
Myspace drama .what can i do .. ?

by  |  earlier

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i have a myspace page . I took my room mate off of my friends list . The other day she told me that she can veiw my page through her home page . i have myon page prative . I am not sure if blocking her is going to help..




  1. Yes blocking her is the last thing to do. Im sure it will solve the problem.

  2. blocking doesnt really do anything except prevent them from contacting you

    the only 100% way of avoid myspace drama is to stop using myspace

  3. blocking her is good because it stops her from contacting you :) and the thing will be solved pretty much

  4. Perhaps you could grow up, and learn that there's more important and desirable things in life.

  5. 1.) why would you delete your roommate...

    2.) whats the point of blocking her if you live with her.

    3.) if your page is private, theres no way of viewing it unless shes like a mega smart hacker.

    4.) blocking prevents contacting.

    5.) what is your question exactly?

  6. you will need to set your page to private  

  7. myspace is soooo g*y

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