
Myspace help anyone??????10 points!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so for myspace, i have 2 accounts

on my real account, people havent really requested me latly, and so on my other account, i requested my other one , and it says it requires my last name or email, so on my real account, i tried switching it so that it doesnt require that, but it didnt go away!

what do i do, i dont want my account to require last name or email just so people can request me!???




  1. Give it 24 to 48 hours to save. It may not change right away. But trying 10 times isn't going to help ,so stop.

  2. Try just making another one and READ everything to see if u checked a box requiring people to do that  

  3. did u hit the save button?


    than i really dont know

  4. being big on my space you must have a email address and your correct last name or it wont go through

  5. You must have your other account set to over the age over 18 mine was just like that but it only does that to people who are over 18,  i know it pisses me off too...

  6. if its not going away then where your "Headline" is you should put:

    last name-  (your last name)

    so people know what your last name is so they can add you

  7. idk sorry thats tough never happened 2 me

  8. Try doing it again.

  9. try running virus scanner and see if there is an infection on your pc  

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