
Myspace help.please help me!?

by  |  earlier

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im putting to picture from photobucket i the 'heroes'section.

im trying to put them next to each other.but whenver i do,one picture is on top and other one is the the bottom.

so what do i do to put two or more picture NEXT to each other?

help me!=]




  1. Use this code:

    <p style="white-space:nowrap;">

    <img src="URL">

    <img src="URL">

    <img src="URL">


    This  code will put 3 images next to each other, and they wont wrap down to the next line.

    Make sure to get the url from the "Direct Link" section.

  2. just dnt put br and ur ok just do this get the code and then put them one by one click and there next to each other does this help enogugh  

  3. Put <br> between each picture it inserts a break between them

  4. google for the code.. thats wha i always do

  5. put the html codes right next to each other and not



    but like this.

    try it =]

  6. you have to size the width right..

    like <img src="direct link" style="width: 150px;">

  7. The pictures will appear one on top of the other if the combined width of both pictures is greater than the width of your heroes box. You have to make the pictures smaller so they'll appear right next to each other. You can do this in any image editor like Photoshop, or by adding to the image code:

    <img src=* width=100px>

    It doesn't have to be 100, just play around with the numbers until both pictures fit.

    Also, if you don't feel like toying around with code, you could just combine both pictures into one in Paint or Photoshop. Then they will be guaranteed to stick together.

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