
Myspace question???pls help.?

by  |  earlier

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I put a code on my myspace to hide all my comments and then all my friends are asking where did the "comment button" go? how can i put the "comment" button back on my myspace without showing all my comments? its really hard to explain




  1. Go & find a new code.  

  2. Hide Comments and Keep ‘Add Comment’ Link

    Put this in your ‘Who I’d Like to Meet’:

    <style>.friendsComments table table {display:none;}</style>

  3. You just have to put a link to the comment button outside of the cover up code.

    <a href=" the link is to your comment button">Comment button</a>

    something like that, but outside of the cover up html code.

  4. This may be hard to explain, but I'll show you mine for example.

    <a href=" Where it said &friendID=all thos numbers, put in your friend ID. Which is the last numbers that can be found when you go to view your profile. Between = and & put in your friend ID, and it should work. If you have problems, message me on there.

  5. Had 2Put Spaces Or It Would Have Came Out Right

    1] Take Out All The Spaces.

    2] Put This Code In Yur "ABOUT ME"

    <s t y l e  t y p e = " t e x t / c s s " > . f r i e n d s C o m m e n t s { d i s p l a y : n o n e ; } < / s t y l e>

    This Just Leaves "ADD COMMENT"  

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