
Myspace your thoughts??

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i am 14 and my mom wont let me get a myspace i ask her friday and she said i could make 1 today and thenm she is like no i need to research how old do u think is the proper age to use myspace and do you think i should be aloud and how old were u when u got yours




  1. I think teens should keep their profile private and only add their friends that they know in person and relatives.  Also, I wouldn't allow any pictures that your mother hasn't previewed first.  I would also suggest you add your mother to your friends list so she can trust what you have posted there.

    As a middle school teacher, I've seen some kids get addicted to doing the myspace thing at home.  If you are a good student and can manage this additional socialization, I'd say you are ready for it.  If you are already having trouble, perhaps your mother could use the myspace page as a reward incentive.

  2. I got mine in 7th-8th grade.

    I only talk to my friends on it but i met alot of people from other cities and talk to them also.

    myspace is as serious as the other people makes it.

    True known fact though,it will cause drama.

  3. My parents don't know I have a myspace but usually I've seen kids in middle school have one, and they're only 12, 13, & 14.

    I got mine when I was 14, But I was in high school.

  4. well myspace allows people of your age to join

    so i would say that there is no problem in you getting one

    just make sure you keep it private

    and dont add anyone you dont know!

    than you should be safe

    but never forget there is always a block button, and someone to report to.

  5. i got mine when i was 15

    14 is fine i think

  6. i got mine when i was 13, im 14 now.

    Myspace can be dangerous if used incorrectly (adding people you don't know, setting your profile to public)

    But can be a very fun tool to communicate with others when used properly (adding only people you have met, setting profile to private)

    So show your mom this post.

  7. I got my last year when i was 14. You should tell your mom that on myspace you make your page private and you only add people you know. The only reason it would be a bad idea is if you are irresponsible and you talk to people you dont know and give them your personal information.

  8. well if your mom says no than you have to say that she can check ur myspace. but i think 14 is old enough to get a myspace

  9. i was 13 when i got mine

    i think its alright as long as you dont give out personal info or stuff like that.

    i even hide my comments so that no one can know what i talk about with people (you can find codes like that online to hide your friends display and other stuff)

    just use your common sense when your on it and you'll be fine.

    hope you dont become a myspace-aholic like i was =]

  10. just be safe and add ur friends only like from school.theres lots of sickos out there that lie about there age and try to get to meet young girls and rape them.becareful and make sure u know who ur adding and put ur profile on private so only only friends can look at it.i was like 20 when i got mine.


  11. I would go by the age limit that MySpace has. I think it's okay to have an account, but make sure to do it safely. Put in your real age so that MySpace will set up your account with the right safety precautions for someone your age.

    Don't add ANYONE to your page that you don't know in person. Assure your mom that won't add anyone you don't know too.

  12. if your 14 your deff old enough!!

    i say 12 is the youngest someone should have it.

    just make your space private and dont accept anyone you dont know and dont give out your personal information!

    i hope you get one!

    myspace is a really cool place to keep in touch with friends

    so good luck with the rents =D

  13. This isn't really my good answer and you're in the pregnancy section.

    Anyways, 14 is the minimum age limit.

    MySpace is a blog site in whence you meet many people and your parents have a fear that you might run into child predators. For now, ask why they don't want you to have myspace and to state a reason for it. Just saying "No" or "don't go on there" is no valid answer. Get answers.

  14. Agent 319, she's also in the parenting section.

    I had a myspace at 13, but I was never told where to go and where not to go on the computer...because I'm a lot more mature than my age, and my parents had complete trust in me. I'm now 17, and I agree with what everyone else says.

    My brother is 14 and has one, my sister is 16 and special ed and has one.

    *Make your profile private.

    *Make it so nobody over the age of 18 can email you unless they're  on your friends list.

    *Be sure your photos are blocked so only friends can view them

    *DO NOT post ANY personal information where strangers can see it

    *Don't add anyone unless you've MET them in person

    *Let your mom either be on your friends list so she can keep tabs, or let her on your myspace to check everything out once in a while

    *Have her approve your pictures before you post them

    I think that's about it. Remember, the more you listen and do what you're told and let your mom keep up on you, the more trust you'll recieve. Let her know &SEE that you're responsible with the privledges she gives you.

  15. i did not get mine until i was around 21 ish??? You will get a lot of stangers requesting you as a friend but if you do get one then be sure that you do not accept anyone that you personally do not know. Also, you can set up your privacy to not receive any emails from people who are not friends as well as when someone requests you as a friend they will have to enter either your last name or your email address. I personally do think you are a little young,. but with your mom's help you can get your profile set up with ALL the protections they offer....

  16. I think the minimum age to have a myspace account is 14 so I'd say its okay as long as it's kept private.  You should also give her your password so that she knows there is nothing you are hiding and you are just using it for good, clean fun!

  17. yeah i got mine when i was 15 so yeah...

  18. I got mine when I was around twelve years old. I'm almost 14 right now.

    Just explain to her all the security features there are on myspace to keep you safe and away from predators.

  19. I was 16 but thats when i found out about it ... I'm almost 20 now. You don't need her permission.

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