
Mysterious Hamster????????

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I'vr obtained a free hamster from my moms friend and dont know what type it is. It is 3 1/2 months old and 2 inches big.

Description: Short Hair

Small whiskers

Stubby Tail

Abnormaly HUGE (male parts)

Gray under belly brownish Top

Any tips or sites would be GREATLY appreciated !!!




  1. defineley sounds like a chinese hamster, i have one called Mushu and he seems to fit the description perfectly. chinese hamsters have a dark stripe running along their spine and actually tend to have a slightly longer tail than most common hammies, and have a small mouse-like appearance. people mistake them for being dwarf hamsters but they're not.

  2. By his size he is either a dwarf hamster or a Chinese Hamster.

  3. A dwarf prolly not a robo dwarf

  4. I don't think it's a dwarf hamsters, as they don't usually have "male parts" (not the robo ones anyway), and they're not USUALLY brownish.

    A picture would really help.

    What I imagine from your descriptions is what the stores keep labelling them as "regular" hamsters, which I think is a type of teddy bear hamster, but they're much smaller and fur stays short.

  5. Sounds like some sort of Dwarf- maybe a chinese Dwarf. It's hard to know without a photograph.

  6. Can you post a picture?  I think Teddy Bear hamsters are the most common, and they come in a bunch of different colors.

  7. All hamsters besides the "teddy bear" (long haired ) syrian variety have short hair.

    All hammies have stuby tails. (lol, no such thing as a long-tailed hamster! :P)

    And all males have huge testicles

    So we'd really need a picture to help you :/

    Most greyish hamsters are usually dwarf as grey is pretty uncommon in syrians (although there are grey syrians as well.

    By the way, there are only 2 main kinds of hamsters. Syrians are all the large ones, and dwarfs are the size of mice.

    Here is some pictures of the types:


    this web site has some pics. of different types of hamsters

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