
Mysterious Instant Stomach Troubles

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Going to be as brief as possible: 21, male, healthy. Large build 230, 6'2. Drank wine a bit consistently for 5-6 months, no problems. Drank other hard liquor in the past, no problems. Tried Gin on June 6th, half a bottle (Seagram's Extra Dry mixed with lemon juice and ginger ale..I don't usually mix, was doing so for fun). Immediately noticed I had to keep taking deep breaths/out of breath sensation, stopped. Not sure if the Japanese food (sushi etc.) could've had an impact. Drank Jack Daniels and rot gut vodka before, so it was not a matter of tolerance or alcohol exposure.

Next day woke up to a feeling below the throat, felt like a constant need to cough. Went to the doctor...EKG, Chest X-Ray, Barium Swallow, Spirometer/Flow Meter (lung test), Gallbladder Liver scan, all negative. Endoscopy showed a very very small 3-4 cm sliding hiatal hernia, deemed asymptomatic (does not produce symptoms) as it was so small it didn't even show on the Barium Swallow X-ray. Endoscopy showed no irritation, irregularities or inflammation. Allergy tests showed nothing, Clarinex did nothing.

Symptoms are: Constant cough/irritation between collar bones, murky/powdery stools (as if you were to flush powder from the bottom of the toilet bowl and it billows up), sinus congestion, excessive burping, extreme fatigue, minor heart palpitations, yellow/white coated tongue, hurts to take a deep breath. Spaced out/tired after eating, worse than the "after turkey meal feeling". Excessive salivation/sweet tasting salivation. Hear an intermittent sound like gas escaping through my esophagus to my neck when I lie down. No heartburn whatsoever. Odd sour taste at back of mouth.

No history of any problems, no history of hypochondria, not psychological (Ativan and other sedatives did nothing). Antibiotics did nothing.

A homeopath suggested Nux Vomica, did nothing but calm me mentally.

Acid reflux/GERD was suggested, took Prilosec, Zantac, Pepcid AC, no effect. Moved to PPI's (strongest stuff they got), Protonix/Aciphex/Zegerid, did nothing.

It has been 2 months, the symptoms persist despite diet changes. Suggestions regarding a decrease in weight were made. Factors of environment include mold under my water bed that has grown over the years due to frequent popping of the tubes. A plan to replace the bed is underway. It has been suggested that the mold is causing this, or perhaps a Candida Albicans yeast overgrowth, however, the reaction to the Gin was sudden, instant, and very acute. I felt no symptoms whatsoever prior to consumption.

5 doctors, a gastroenterologist, a pulmonary specialist, 10 health coach's/nurses from the insurance company, a renowned medical researcher, and a famous health expert who exposed a pharmaceutical scam had no clue whatsoever, and were completely baffled.

I have gotten some guidance from a Chinese medicine woman/acupuncturist and am undergoing treatment through TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine).

Nevertheless, I am asking for your opinions. Do not tell me I have "GERD" or "acid reflux disease", those ailments are not diseases, and my symptoms/tests defy such a diagnosis. I am more knowledgeable about Acid Reflux/GERD than most doctors at this point, and I know I don't have it. I know every test used to detect it, and every "health tip" recommended for it, so don't waste my time or yours by spamming it.

I am looking for alternative causes.

Thank you




  1. possess as much information as you could maybe is one of the options,however it is quite time consuming,here is the resource i have ever had good experience.

  2. I am in no way a medical professional, but I have to respond because I have twice in my life had conditions that could not be diagnosed.  Both eventually were, but what a horror show until then.

    My first thought on reading as far as your instant reaction to the gin potion was allergy.  Short of a pre-existing condition, I can't think of anything, other than a poison, that could act that fast.  

    As I read further, I was going to mention mold but then you did.  Mold is insidious.  Mold can cause hundreds of nasty symptoms.  That you had been sleeping on it for god knows how long means that you were breathing it in all that time even though you didn't know it was there.  I don't know if there is a medical specialty in mycology but it might be a place to start.

    Also, consider that what's going on may have been caused by more than one condition or more than one allergen or mold or ...  If the gin event was an allergy, maybe it triggered nasty mold spores that had been hidden in your larynx..  I mean, I'm just throwing out ideas here, but it could be two or three different maladies.

    In any case, don't give up.  There is a doctor who knows what it is and has at least an idea how to cure it.  

    Good luck.  

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