
Mysterious blob on my TV ??

by  |  earlier

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My tv has a blob on the upper left corner most of the time is pink but sometimes changes color like purple to blue. I know this is usually caused my interference by other electronics but nothing is around it. What could this be? Could it just be my tv letting me know its time to replace it or what?




  1. Sounds to me like someone put a magnet on it or near it, because the purple, blue, green shows up when you put a magnet on a t.v. screen.

  2. it could just be getting old and becoming discolored.

    mabe not lately bu maybe someone put a magnet near or on it and i know that cause discoloration.

    i say its time for a new one.

  3. Your TV tech guy before me is correct. However this can happen not only from putting magnets near it, but moving the TV while it on or energized.

  4. Switch set off at wall socket and leave off for 30 mins then switch back on , do it a few times if ness !

    Reason. The sets auto degauss only operates from a cold start and NOT from standby when using the remote . Doing what I have prescribed will force the sets auto degauss to operate !!!

    Cheers Pete

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