
Mysterious (but constant) back pain?

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I'm only 21 but it seems to me like my back has always hurt. To be more specific, it's my spine- upper, lower, you name it and it has hurt at some time or another. If I stand, walk, or sit for too long (~ 45min) my back starts to hurt. It sucks to randomly bend over and get a sharp pain. Any thoughts? I want to try here before I shell out the cash to see a chiropractor :)




  1. Are you slouched over a pc at work or home. Do you wear heels a lot...walking standing or dancing. Best inital help. Get a proper office chair if on pc. Always  sit straight on any feet up on sofa or watching tv in bed. Ah bed...turn your mattress or if it's old get new one. New firm pillows will help. Take an anti inflamitory and tylenol. The morepain you are in the less you move..the stiffer you get.. the more pain. Some of this may help..some not. But a doc would probably suggest the same so it won't be wasted money

  2. I'm 21 and i have chronic back pains as too. Mine has hurt before i can remember as well but so much so that i don't even notice it until my girlfriend gives me a massage. My advice is to go to the chiropractor and get xrays, your pains seem a little more severe then mine. You may even have scoliosisis

  3. it depends on how much you weigh and hoe your chest is. if you have but chest then that might be a problem.

  4. Could be oyur period

  5. Has your doctor ever noticed a curve in your spine? Could be scoliosis.(curving of the spine)  

  6. I have a friend who has a condition she inherited from her mother - where the spine sort of develops little cracks ( maybe microscopic) starting at a young age.   (i'll ask her what the name of the disease/condition is, but i probably won't get an answer for at least 24 hours.)

    anyway - the symptoms sound like yours. For the mother, now in her late 60s or early 70s, no posture is actually comfortable.  The best she has found is walking - and that is just the best, it isn't pain free. They both wear very cushioned athletic shoes all the time.  When my friend was younger, it wasn't painful all the time, just when she did something "too long."

    i wanted to let you know about my friend, because if  you 2 have the same problem, you might want to start with an osteopath instead of a chiropractor.


    Friends back problem is

    degenerative disk disease (DDD).

    I hope you don't  have it. checking out the posture and computer issues first makes a lot of sense.

  7. Are you a girl? If so do you have large b*****s? No I'm not a Perv, It's been proven that women with b*****s larger than a B cup typically have frequent back pain. Discounting that I'd ask if you slouch a lot. My back hurts quite often and thats the culprit. I don't think I've set up straight for more than an hour's worth of time in my entire life. Other than that maybe its how you sleep.. Try doing a back bend or reaching and touching your toes really fast. Sometimes you're back will be out just a little bit and you can reset it yourself with simple motions like that.

  8. Go to a medical doctor, not a chiropractor.

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