
Mysterious ways??

by Guest32268  |  earlier

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how do those people walk, that when they enter a room it's extra quiet and no one even heard them and they're just so mysterious...and when they walk there whole body is so in control and graceful and not arrogant and limpy like everyone they practice it like that or does it come naturally, do you know anyone like that?? thnx :)




  1. I naturally walk quietly, I suppose.

    I've been dancing for many years, though.

    If you want to practice, the best you can do is 'carry your weight' or 'put on your dancer's weight'

    Those terms basically mean to put all your weight in your upper body to make yourself feel lighter, as opposed to putting all your weight in your feet to make you feel heavier.

    Ahaha my track coach says I'm a veryyy loud runner though, so I guess I can be quiet when i want to [:

  2. I don't know how mysterious I am but I'm told I walk quietly. I always seem to startle people when I walk in  a room because they don't hear me come in. It is natural, certainly nothing I practice. Though it did come in handy when I wanted to catch my kids misbehaving.

  3. They are really vampires

  4. I think some people are born that way but most take classes like dance or yoga or anything where they learn to control their movements.  I can't think of anyone right now who I know but I'm sure I've met some people like that in the past.

  5. yes, my cat

  6. i do that sometimes. i dont practice but sometimes i try to walk in like that and scare people. although i dont know what you mean by in control lol im clumsy as a dog but i can still do it. i guess it come naturaly (but if you wanna be like that try sneaking up on people and scaring them. its great fun)

  7. Its naturally.
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