
Mystery Shopper?

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I've come across a site, it outlines information about becoming a mystery shopper, the site is and then you click on their ebay profile. Very interesting. If you know of a mystery shopper site, tell us about it. cheers




  1. My aunt does those all the time, its like her second job. Basically you go into a business, wherever they tell you to, and you report the service and how things were.  she gets lots of free stuff and money out of it and it doesn't usually take much time.

  2. Sounds cool

  3. I spoke with a grocery store manager when I had a problem with one of the cashiers. He told me about the mystery shoppers they have come into the store. A mestery shopper shops with a list, gets to keep what they shop for and is paid to.

  4. i have done that it's so fun! :-]

  5. hi, i have done work for hoed, and cbs, and they are both pretty reputable and pay you on time and correctly. cbs can be pretty good - cause you can stay at hotels and stuff.

  6. sounds funny ;)

  7. you have to be a pretty deligent person and have some time on your hands to actually go. it doesnt take long once you get there.  but be careful, one of my friends mothers used to do it just for fun and to get free stufff and whatnot. but basically you cant make a living on it, they either give you about just enough to get the stuff or sometimes you go over and  have to eat the price. Like she once went to a really nice restaurant and for two people you couldnt get away without paying 100 bucks but the mystery shopper job only gave her 60 to eat there and like 10-15 for going. so she lost money in the process , but its a good discount when you go out ot eat at the same time. plus you have to have the money to go and get or do the job first and then they reinbuse you and pay you your 10-20 bucks for going.  so it really doesnt help you unless you have the money in the first place

  8. Be careful, my buddy got scammed on one of those sights and lost some money. Never give any account info to them
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