
Mystery rash on my baby and no real detail from his doctor.?

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Just got back from vacation and my 9 month old has broken out into a rash all over his face, stomach and wee wee. It has since gotten crusty and red on his face. I took him to the doctor who told me to give him Benadryl 3 times a day and Eucerin for his skin. I did give him the Benadryl but he sleeps too much on it and develops a low grade fever. I thought that it may be ecsema but don't really know much about rashes. Does this sound familiar to anyone and what did you do? Is the doctor correct or should I try something else? It's been over a week and it looks pretty bad on his cute little face.




  1. If it were me I would take your baby to a dermatologist.  That way you can know for sure what the ailment is, diagnosed by a skin specialist.  Good luck.

  2. It sounds like that the crusty stuff is whatever it is drying up. The benadryl is help with the itching and the eurerin is to dry up what ever it is. If it doesn't start looking better in a few more days, call the doctor again.

  3. My daughter has the same thing on the back of her one knee. It started off as a small red patch and I showed the doctor and he said it was nothing and it would go away. Now it's all red and crusty. My Aunt is a nurse and she said it looked like eczema to her. They sell that Aveeno bath and lotion in the store that's good for that. I'm going to try it. It's all natural so it won't hurt the baby.

  4. Put some Cortizone 10 on the rash .. that should clear it right up!

    It *could* be eczema .. or even heat rash. My son gets a rash on his face every time he cuts a tooth; I use the Cortizone 10 on his face (with Doctors permission) and it clears it up instantly!

    Cortizone 10 is safe for ALL parts of the body! =]

  5. It could be a yeast infection. Try putting on Nystatin, Lotrimin AF, or Monistat

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