
Mystery shoppers scam.....Help please!?

by  |  earlier

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I recieved a letter in the mail from Optimum Shoppers Inc. for a mystery shopping position. They sent a check for almost $4,000 dollars ....$300 for training...$200 for shopping...$3250for western union funds to be sent. and then for the western union fee. I thought this might be legite because they are not asking for MY OWN money. But now I am not so sure and I have deposited the check in my personal account ...I have not wired any money and have not done anything else....If this is a scam...What is the best way to get out of it....should i just cancel the check with my bank or will i have to close out my hole account????




  1. I've heard about other similar 'scams'.  Hopefully this isn't one of them. Talk to your bank ASAP.  Good luck.

  2. any one who sends you a " cheque" and then asks you to send then some of the money back is a scammer. they cheque will turn out to be counterfeit and  your bank will drill you for the missing money,.. cantact your bank and tell them that you suspect that the cheque is fraudulent. do NOT send them money or  take any money from that account or you too wil be implicated in the fraud legally.   and wil have a chance of being charged. as it is .. by cashing the cheque you have just set yourself up to be  charged back by the bank for  NSF cheque fees.

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