
Myth or Fact: Did we REALLY come from diamonds?

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  1. Diamonds are just pure Carbon which has been pressurized enough to make it into Diamonds, its got the same properties as coal, so as we are carbon based lifeforms you could argue that we can from carbon, which diamonds are, just sounds abit silly really.

    toodles now :)

  2. The article doesn't say we came from diamonds, but that the formation of water from hydrogenated diamonds may have had a role in the formation of carbon-based life in water.

  3. hecks no first they said monkeys now its diamonds.......

  4. How can we evolve from diamonds when they're inanimant objects?

    But your source probably meant that we evolved from some of the properties of diamonds like Carbon.

    Since Carbon is a water - based element. We carry a large mass of water in our bodies, so we probably have ome connections to diamonds but couldn't have evolved from them since as said before, they are inanimant objects.

  5. are u retarded we evolved from monkeys

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