
MythBusters Hoax? Is there something missing with their results?

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Ok so i have been watching myth-busters on the Discovery Chanel for a long time now. Ever since then i have watched and disagreed with their findings. I am no expert but i hope one of you are. Do you feel that the myth-busters are using a bias point of view and/or leaving off many variables. Please any feedback either positive or negative will be greatly appreciated.




  1. Sure, whatever makes good TV.

  2. With any research you begin with theories, which is a set of propositions that attempt to specify the interrelationships among a set of constructs.  They then formulate a hypothesis which is a specific proposition that logically follows from a theory.  Now the hypothesis must be falsifiable and be stated in a way that leaves them opened to be proven false.  This is with all research and theirs as well.  So no, it isn't a hoax. Their conclusions based on a logical proposition and tests and methods of measures are used to either find a significant or non significant findings.  Their hypothesis can not be proven or disprove due to the way scientists and researchers conduct their analysis.  Researchers will need to be able to verify their findings by using the techniques that myth busters used, and introduce their own methods of measurements.  If a study is poorly defined or constructed their findings will be null and void by other scientists.  This is the thing with studies.  It will never stop.  Each year there are new methods of measurements and new information that comes to light.  That is the reason the hypothesis must be stated in a way that it can be proven false.

  3. Depending on the myth, yes they leave out various parts of information for public safety.  

  4. It depends on which particular one you speak of?? Some of the things they prove  are possible and proven to be so. Like i said which one

    ??? They seem to be genuine in their attempt to either prove it is possible or to defunct it...

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