
Mythology and our minds!?

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im reading a book tht explain the minds and nature of humans, and why we make up myths and live by them.

so baically i have tht its like coded in our archetype (which is the very basic means of dealing w/ the world) and also exspressed repeadtly through out ppl in there "collective unconscious".

so what im asking is why we make up these big dramtic story to help us get through simple things in our lives, like why make up all this big dramatic c**p abt dragons and gods in such, ?


why is this in every humans mind to do this and understand life better through these myths?




  1. o kay kay... do u no who made the book? sum science geek who had 2 find the science in myths becuz he doesnt believe in them cuz he never seen anything. how about u ask sum1 who saw sumthing about it and c wat they say!? sum ppl lie about it.... but sum ppl dont! and it is pretty unbelieveable... but if u think about life... the whole thing is pretty unbeliveable! how did the earth go from dinosaurs 2 ppl anywyz... ummm... idk.... just a thing called EVOLUTION! and sum evolutions went horribly wrong and made things like dragons and all. simple as that! sum things may b made up.... but things like ghosts and aliens and dragons and the nj devil r real! so liv with it!

  2. Read the book"The Power of Myth" by Joseph Campbell.He was a student of Carl Jung(collective unconscious and the archetypes) it explains so much. I think it will answer all your questions.

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