
Myths & legends of Slovakia?

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I'm looking for a good website( in English if possible) of Slovak Myths & Legends, or more specifically of Bratislava. If anyone could point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it. Thanks.




  1. Of course one of the first things you get when you type "Slovakian Legends" into Google is this page:

    Now, is Slovak Heritage Society of North-Eastern Pennsylvania.  So you check out their links and one of them is to:

    Another link is to:

    Going further down you get a page about Juraj Janosik:

    Who is also listed in the Wikipedia, which is as full as the Net is of people and organizations wanting to tell everyone about what is best about their own cultures.  I see nothing in the Wikipedia about myths or legends from there per se (surprising) but go to the bottom of the Slovakia page, click on the category of slovakia, and click on the category of Slovakian Literature.

    There is this page with some legends:

    One specific legend is commemorated with a statue:

    I hope this is a good start.  I'm a New Englander brought up on legends from New England including those on a radio show called Streets of the City by Florence Parker Simister which was similar in style and format to many books I've read and many websites I have visited since.  One thing I appreciate about the Wikipedia in particular and the 'Net in general is the number of contributions from people and groups who simply want the best of their culture better known.  It is from such people, who will mix ghost stories with authentic history, that I've always found the best stories.  It is a surprise there isn't more of this about Slovakia on the Wikipedia.  There are so many other groups who are discussed very thoroughly.

    And obviously with a little digging and following of links you can find out quite a few things.

  2. Slovak / Slavic myths:

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