
Myths of stupidity...Bloddy mary?

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Okay so me and my friends have tried bloddy mary multiple times just for fun and got what we expected: NOTHING. But some people say it works if you say "candyman" three times. I don't believe it though I haven't tried it yet. Otherwise is there a myth on that? If so what is it? And have you tired it b4???




  1. A.) It's bloody, not bloddy.

    B.) The Candyman myth stems from the movie Candyman. I watched it a few months ago but it was so boring we didn't get more than twenty minutes in. It's a completely different myth than Bloody Mary, but seeing as it's just a movie, I don't think it even counts as a myth.

  2. ya nothing happened

  3. Its just a myth do u really beleive that fi you say candyman 3 times a monster or something will pop out?? when I first heard of the myth I was scared to be around mirrors.. but its just a stupid joke people do to scare others

  4. i rember me and my cousin when we where little we went into the bathroom,turned off the light,(could'nt see anything at all)

    and said bloody marrie a coupl times and like on the 6th on something pulled my hair, and when i turned on the light,my cousin was curled up in the bath tub.

    scarry but funny now that i look back on it.

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