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Whats it about, is it for students




  1. I recently heard my kids talking about this site - and as hopefully most parents do, I went to go check it out, went and created a profile set up they way I wanted it to look and off I went - after having the profile for about 3 weeks now  I have done absolutely nothing but accept requests ( only 1 RL friend found me). It seems to me that there are a LOT of flaws with it. I feel like I am in one gigantic singles club - secret crushes etc.  The lunch money thing drives people to go and make friends ( fake)  just to gain $$ to buy things for their profile.

    Its a place where you get to "OWN" people or their pictures people bid on each other to gain ownership - challenge one another to "best" contests etc.

    IMHO there is too  much going on that "forces" members to be out on the limb inviting strangers and randomly clicking on peoples pictures to see if they have a "crush" on you, trying to collect the most $$ instead of focusing on their page and who they are.

    I have not looked into a lot of "options" but as far as I can tell you are forced to either make up information or have your real information posted for all to see, either way that bad. 1) if you make up information, then your friends cant find you (easily) or your real information is out there, and who knows what happens from there.

  2. Yep.  It was made for highschoolers by highschoolers!  It's relatively safer than myspace, but of course no web site is 100% safe.  You can add your high school/ junior high and connect with people from your school.  They have quizzes, polls, message boards, advice columns, and etc.  Add your friends, too!  You also get what they call "Lunch Money" so you can buy virtual gifts for friends or earn enough lunch money to bid on a real item. (Video games, t-shirts, books, etc.)  Have fun and stay safe!!!!! That means adding only people who you personally know and trust, and not telling anyone where you live or any other personal info (phone #, etc)  Also no cyberbullying.  That is probably one of the worst things that happens on these type of websites.  Report any of this kind of stuff to the website's moderators.
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