
Myyy catttt..........

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Pees everywhere. without us knowing it.

Cat pee can realllllly damage a house. Like its nothing like dog pee. haha

We don't know how to stop her from peeing anywhere but in her catbox?




  1. I would have her examined by a vet to check for any health problems.  Many pets will begin eliminating inappropriately when they are ill.  And, if your cat has not been's time!

    Litter box problems are very frustrating for all.....human and feline.  Here's a link that you might find helpful:

    Here's a link to Cat Attract Kitty Litter.  Many have had success with this product:

    Good Luck!

  2. Everything that has been said so far is true.

    She could be resisting litter training, but that is quite unlikley! Cats are very clean creatures and generally don't do that unless in heat or if they are a male and are not fixed..but that would be spray-not pee.

    I highly recommend you take her to the vet!

    It could be something serious, like what was mentioned already- a Urinary Track Infection. If that is the case she will need antibiotics.

    Strange behavior in any animal is somethng to get concerned about, and require a vet visit, especially if it is persistant.

    I would try a good vet in your area. I like Best Friends, they have branches all over the country..but I am sure you have a good vet already.

  3. every time you find that your cat peed somwhere just get the cat, put her nose close up to the wee and smack her bum and say bad cat, the put her in her litter box, do that every time she pees somwhere, she will learn, give her a treat and stroke her when she does that in the litter box...worked with my cat:)

  4. same

    my cat was like yours

    he would pee randomily around the house

    and the smell is nasty and it dosen't come out

    you should bring your cat to the vet right away

    i did and we found out it was a urinary track infection

    that means urine can't pass  throught the intestinse

    and your catt will need to eat special diet food

    good luck with you catt

  5. I agree with the previous answers also. I graduated from vet school in Australia and we learnt cats can pee more with a variety of diseases including UTIs. Also, as gets get older, they have a higher chance of getting other diseases such as hyperthyroidism and renal failure, both of which increase pee! If your cat is peeing more than usual perhaps you could take it to the vet to see if the cat has picked up any diseases.

    Also, my cat only pees on sand, so we put sand in her litter tray. She won’t pee in the litter tray even if it has the most expensive cat litter on the market. Also, she won’t pee on the litter tray if it smells like pee or poo.

    Anyway, hope you find some solution. Cat pee does smell. Have you tried Glen20 or Fabreeze to mask the smell? We had to get a professional steam cleaner to work on our couch to get the cat pee smell out but Glen20 gave some initial relief.

  6. Peeing everywhere could be a Urinary tract infection or Feline Urologic Syndrome, are there signs of straining, prolonged squatting when you catch her?

    Cystitis is a bacterial infection which they may not have tested for, does she l**k around that area alot or have discharge you have noticed? Bladder stones can also cause this if you think its not a physcological problem, Urinary Incontinence is loss of voluntary control, are they small amounts found all over as the overdistended bladder loses the ability to contract and empty so its more of a constant dribble, there are treatments for this. How old is it?

    If it isn't medical but a behaviour disorder then it could be a number of reasons. Are there any recent intrusions and changes that have happened in her routine? Has this happened for a while? Is she getting less attention are you all away alot? Does this only happen at certain times of the month so it could be related to s*x drive if you haven't had her fixed, If she has been done, did you have her done or does she have scar on her tummy? I heard that some small percentage still get the urges even though they are fixed so maybe that is your trouble. Is she dominant or aggressive sometimes?

    Have you caught her doing the pee??? This is important as if she was squatting (downward spray) then this is normal urination indicating there is a problem possibly medical. If she is standing and the tail is quivering, held straight up then she is spraying (horizontally at an angle spray) then this is sexual. Both male and female cats spray, which some people don't realise, though males more frequently. So if she is using her litter box to defecate but is peeing in small amounts in numerous locations then I think its more likely you have found your answer.

    Try some of those sprays out there that create and aversion to repeat location spraying (moth balls, orange peel, rubbing alcohol can work and also get some urine gone etc and get the carpet cleaned properly in those areas so she doesn't keep smelling the same smell on the carpet to instigate more peeing. Close the blinds so she cant look out at night to see other cats during her fertile time. If you catch her spray her lightly with water and leave the bottle near the main site.  I was brought up to smack them and rub their noses in it but I am not sure this is the best solution.

    Try something simple like changing her litter (worlds best cat litter I think is best) lock her in the room with the litter tray more to hopefully promote more peeing there, sit with her when she does it there and feed her treats and make a fuss after she goes. Have you moved her box recently, could she not like its location? you may need to get a few and put up with having more litter boxes around the house. Do you have a spare piece of carpet that you can put under her litter box so that she feels that carpet feel before jumping in as it might just be she prefers the texture.

    You may have to buy a book on cat behaviour, whatever breed yours is. Perhaps try to decrease the amount of time she is alone.

    If you haven't had her fixed then this could work and its good responsible ownership too.  You can get this done as cheaply as $65 (not $2-300 some vets charge) if you download a certificate from

  7. take her to a vet!!!

  8. The cat could have a UTI.  

  9. try having more than one or however many litter boxes that you already have

    also get an odor neutralizing cleaner so that the cat does not feel the urge to go in the same spot

    also get your carpet steamed or you will live with that smell forever

    *cat pee is stronger smelling b/c they hold it longer than dogs meaning they have more of the toxins filter by the kidneys in their system
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