
N'other" instead of "another" 10 points tomorrow! :) [this is a poll really]?

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have you ever noticed that we say "A whole n'other level" instead of what it should be. I guess it's supposed to be "another level" idk or "a whole other lever" its just weird go and ask someone to say 'a whole n'other level and see what they say, its hilarius how we speak such dilect! i love it cause its funny and its one of those things where you go "wow i do say that? wow"

so, do u notice u do this also?!

thanks and 10 points tomorrow for the best answer!




  1. Oh my gosh, I love when people point this stuff out!  I'm currently compiling a list and working on a blog about Englishisms.  Yes, I definitely say that, and just now noticed!  The other day I realized that my  "goodbye" sounds like "g'bye".  I tried saying it properly and for some reason it just sounded awkward when the 'd' and 'b' met.  And the words "of and "to" have been effectively turned into just "a" lately.

    trying to --> tryin'a

    want to --> wanna

    one of --> one'a

    I'm going to pay close attention to what I say today and see if I can find more of these ^_^

  2. N'other, ha yeah ^_^ nope I havent really read that much into it except for just now cuz you brought it up.

  3. I say another :P But i do say gunna HAHA im gunna like a gun person thats what i think lol or gotta we say godda lol "lets go to " lets go do alot of weird stuff1 thats Americans :P

  4. you think that's weird, some people say 'hwat?' instead of 'what,' lol its funny >_____<

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