
N.A.S.A. Has anyone went to the moon and then returned back to earth?

by Guest45333  |  earlier

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N.A.S.A. Has anyone went to the moon and then returned back to earth? If so who did and when was it?




  1. i can't speak for nasa but it seems to me that what you are saying would have been far more risky for our government. and with the different parties, and free(mostly) press, and the intelligence of people,...,...,

    Dr. Moon, we elected our government (other than supreme court) and this i know, my aunt was crippled (truly), and all my life she had food,housing,medicine, her basic needs met and some wants also, that is the government i believe in; she didn't work and she didn't vote, she was taken care of just because she lived here, that is America to me.

  2. the crew of Apollo 11 and subsequent astronauts had faked their orbit around the Moon and their walk on its surface by trick photography, and they never got more than halfway to the Moon. the radiation belts prevented humans from reaching the moon.

    Lack of stars in the pictures and collins saying he didnt remember seeing any stars is quite telling.

    The quality of the photographs is implausibly high.

    The color and angle of shadows and light are inconsistent. often showing a second or third light source was used.

    Identical backgrounds in photos are listed as taken miles apart.

    Cold-War prestige

    Money — NASA raised approximately $30 billion to go to the Moon. in the 60's that a lot of tax payer money.

    Problems early in the space program were insurmountable

    To fulfill President Kennedy's 1961 promise "to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth."

    still some think it was real and maybe the video and photography was faked to show the world.

    only Nasa and the astronauts know the truth.

    maybe china will find out for us soon. if they don't see anything on our landing sights ,

    nasa will be exposed.


    i am a self taught scientist and engineer

  3. Yes.

    Please take no notice of the "self taught"??? chappy Dr (Of what?) who knows very little about radiation exposure,photography,lighting etc etc

    His sources (himself!!)are extrememly unreliable, and his foolish ideas have been proven wrong so many times it's a wonder he keeps trotting them out.

  4. Apollo 8 (Frank Borman, Jim Lovell, Bill Anders) flew 10 orbits around the moon on December 24, 1968.  

    Apollo 10 (Tom Stafford, Gene Cernan, John Young) tested the second Lunar Module in lunar orbit on May 22, 1969.

    Apollo 11 (Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, Michael Collins) were the first to land on the moon, July 20, 1969.

    Apollo 12 (Pete Conrad, Al Bean, Richard Gordon) landed near Surveyor III in the Ocean of Storms, November 19, 1969.

    Apollo 13 (Lovell, Fred Haise, Jack Sweigert) flew around the back side of the moon after their oxygen tank exploded on the way to the moon and returned to earth on April 17, 1970.

    Apollo 14 (Alan Shepard, Ed Mitchell, Stu Roosa) landed near Frau Mauro on Feburary 5, 1971.

    Apollo 15 (David Scott, Jim Irwin, Al Worden) landed on the plains of Hadley Delta on July 30, 1971.

    Apollo 16 (Young, Charlie Duke, Ken Mattingly) landed in the Descartes Highlands on April 21, 1972

    Apollo 17 (Cernan, Harrison Schmitt, Ron Evans) landed at Taurus Littrow on December 11, 1972.

  5. Twelve American astronauts have been on the surface of the moon and returned to Earth; a rather exclusive club. Twenty seven have been in the moon's gravitational influence.

  6. Your school obviously needs to be teaching a better History class !.....or Science ? How did you miss this one ? I wasn't born yet, but I know that World War ll happened.

  7. There have been nine  Apollo missions that have taken astronauts to the moon.  Apollo 8 and 10 orbited the moon without a landing, Apollo 11 was the first mission to land on the moon.  Apollo 12 was next, but Apollo 13's service module was crippled by an explosion en route to the moon, but the crew made it safely back to Earth after the craft swung around the moon and back home.  Apollo 14 to 17 continued our missions to the moon and were all successful.

    The first two astronauts to set foot on the moon were Neil Armstrong and Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin, with Michael Collins in the command module orbiting the moon.

    Here are the names of our astronauts that had landed or orbited tte moon.

    Apollo 8:  Launched: 21 December 1968 UT 12:51:00 (7:51:00 AM EST)

    Lunar Orbit: 24 December 1968

    Returned to Earth: 27 December 1968 UT 15:51:42 (10:51:42 AM EST)

    Frank Borman, commander

    James A. Lovell, command module pilot

    William A. Anders, lunar module pilot

    Apollo 10:  Launched: 18 May 1969 UT 16:49:00 (12:49:00 p.m. EDT)

    Lunar Orbit: 21 May 1969

    Returned to Earth: 26 May 1969 UT 16:52:23 (12:52:23 p.m. EDT)

    Thomas P. Stafford, commander

    John W. Young, command module pilot

    Eugene A. Cernan, lunar module pilot

    Apollo 11:  Launched: 16 July 1969 UT 13:32:00 (09:32:00 a.m. EDT)

    Landed on Moon: 20 July 1969 UT 20:17:40 (04:17:40 p.m. EDT)

    Landing Site: Mare Tranquillitatis - Sea of Tranquility (0.67 N, 23.47 E)

    Returned to Earth: 24 July 1969 UT 16:50:35 (12:50:35 p.m. EDT)

    Neil A. Armstrong, commander

    Michael Collins, command module pilot

    Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., lunar module pilot

    Apollo 12:  Launched: 14 November 1969 UT 16:22:00 (11:22:00 a.m. EST)

    Landed on Moon: 19 November 1969 UT 06:54:35 (01:54:35 a.m. EST)

    Landing Site: Oceanus Procellarum - Ocean of Storms (3.01 S, 23.42 W)

    Returned to Earth: 24 November 1969 UT 20:58:24 (03:58:24 p.m. EST)

    Charles Conrad, Jr., commander

    Richard F. Gordon, command module pilot

    Alan L. Bean, lunar module pilot

    Apollo 13:  Launched: 11 April 1970 UT 19:13:00 (02:13:00 p.m. EST)

    Malfunction forced cancellation of lunar landing

    Returned to Earth: 17 April 1970 UT 18:07:41 (01:07:41 p.m. EST)

    James A. Lovell, commander

    John L. Swigert, Jr., command module pilot

    Fred W. Haise, Jr., lunar module pilot

    Apollo 14:  Launched: 31 January 1971 UT 21:03:02 (4:03:02 p.m. EST)

    Landed on Moon: 5 February 1971 UT 09:18:11 (04:18:11 a.m. EST)

    Landing Site: Fra Mauro (3.65 S, 17.47 W)

    Returned to Earth: 9 February 1971 UT 21:05:00 (04:05:00 p.m. EST)

    Alan B. Shepard, Jr., commander

    Stuart A. Roosa, command module pilot

    Edgar D. Mitchell, lunar module pilot

    Apollo 15:  Launched: 26 July 1971 UT 13:34:00 (09:34:00 a.m. EDT)

    Landed on Moon: 30 July 1971 UT 22:16:29 (06:16:29 p.m. EDT)

    Landing Site: Hadley Rille/Apennines (26.13 N, 3.63 E)

    Returned to Earth: 7 August 1971 UT 20:45:53 (04:45:53 p.m. EDT)

    David R. Scott, commander

    Alfred M. Worden, command module pilot

    James B. Irwin, lunar module pilot

    Apoll 16:  Launched: 16 April 1972 UT 17:54:00 (12:54:00 p.m. EST)

    Landed on Moon: 21 April 1972 UT 02:23:35 (20 April 09:23:35 p.m. EST)

    Landing Site: Descartes (8.97 S, 15.50 E)

    Returned to Earth: 27 April 1972 UT 19:45:05 (02:45:05 p.m. EST)

    John W. Young, commander

    Thomas K. Mattingly II, command module pilot

    Charles M. Duke, Jr., lunar module pilot

    Apollo 17:  Launched: 7 December 1972 UT 05:33:00 (12:33:00 a.m. EST)

    Landed on Moon: 11 December 1972 UT 19:54:57 (02:54:57 p.m. EST)

    Landing Site: Taurus-Littrow (20.19 N, 30.77 E)

    Returned to Earth: 19 December 1972 UT 19:24:59 (02:24:59 p.m. EST)

    Eugene A. Cernan, commander

    Ronald E. Evans, command module pilot

    Harrison H. Schmitt, lunar module pilot

  8. July 16, 1969. Apollo 11 launched. July 20, 1969. Neil Armstrong becomes the first planet to walk on the moon and any extraterrestrial object. A little later, Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon. Apollo 12, November 19-20, 1969, Peter Conrad and Alan Bean walked on the moon. Apollo 14, February 5-6, 1971, Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell. Apollo 15, July 31–August 2, 1971, David Scott and James Irwin. Apollo 16, April 21-23, 1972, John W. Young and Charles Duke. Apollo 17,  December 11-14, 1972, Harrison Schmitt and Eugene Cernan. All returned safely.

  9. There were 6 Apollo missions that landed on the Moon between 1969 and 1972 and 12 men have walked on the Moon and returned. See the source.

  10. the first was neil amstrong on Appollo 11 in july 69 and all the other dudes that followed

  11. every man that has landed on the moon has landed safely back on earth. neil armstrong was the first- he returned on july 26, 1969, and every other person followed him.

    unfortunately, not all people have returned from space. the columbia shuttle for example. everyone was killed in that awfull accident.

    but every man who has stepped on the moon so far, has stepped that same foot back on earth, with one great story to tell.

  12. Niel Armstrong and his companion, after that no human being ever even landed on the moon again.

  13. No, I don't believe any one has been to the Moon so consequently no one could have return either !

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