
N Atlantic water temps up 2 degrees.... Polar ice melting at a staggering rate and its only MAY 16?

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Please people something needs to be done about this! Please stop driving! Please lets go back to the old ways. Walking and knowing your neighbor. Its not about money anymore!




  1. N Atlantic water temps up 2 degrees

    yup. nearly 3deg. off ireland.

    Polar ice melting at a staggering rate

    yup. nearly back down to 2007 levels already despite the relatively cold northern hemisphere winter.

    very worrying.

  2. What you present is proving global warming is happening but it doesn't prove that its caused by us.Oh yeah, wheres the link?

    And lol, what the... you actually expect people to stop driving? You expect them to do what you tell them to?

  3. Oh ignorant ones, our earth is a great dynamic engine, It went on 4.59 billion years before we existed and will go on long after.

    Your sky is falling mantra is getting very tiresome.

    the impact of humans micro climates is possible, but globally it's not proven with any reasonable scientific evidence. The evidence alarmists are pushing are normal ebbs and flows of the earth. You might want to look at the "Medieval Warming Period" a pre-industrial period in the 1400s when Greenland got it name..

    The Vikings took advantage of ice-free seas to colonize Greenland and other outlying lands of the far north [7]. The MWP was followed by the Little Ice Age, a period of cooling that lasted until the 19th century. In the Chesapeake Bay, researchers found large temperature excursions during the Medieval Warm Period (about 800–1300) and the Little Ice Age (about 1400–1850), possibly related to changes in the strength of North Atlantic thermohaline circulation.[8] Sediments in Piermont Marsh of the lower Hudson Valley show a dry Medieval Warm period from AD 800–1300.[9]

    Prolonged droughts affected many parts of the western United States and especially eastern California and the western Great Basin.[6] Alaska experienced three time intervals of comparable warmth: A.D. 1–300, 850–1200, and post-1800.[10]

    A radiocarbon-dated box core in the Sargasso Sea shows that the sea surface temperature was approximately 1°C cooler than today approximately 400 years ago (the Little Ice Age) and 1700 years ago, and approximately 1°C warmer than today 1000 years ago (the Medieval Warm Period).[11]

    During the MWP wine grapes were grown in Europe as far north as southern Britain[12][13][14][15], as they are today.

    Solar Cycle, Volcanic Activity, Plant Decay, Detritis in the Oceans, are factors.

    What the myth teachers don't show you is the truth.

    Check out the video "The Global Warming Myth" the link is available on the

  4. It's not necessary to stop driving, we simply need to start driving vehicles that are actually efficient.  We don't need to sacrifice all our modern conveniences, we just need to be a lot smarter about them.

    Pluggable hybrids and nuclear/wind/solar/tidal/geotherm electric power generation (to recharge them and electrify our homes & businesses) could be implemented big-time in 10 - 20 years and the greenhouse emission from the US would drop tremendously. All it takes is an end to the ridiculous bickering among non-scientists as to whether AGW is real and the will to start acting.

  5. the earth was created in perfect balance for mankind and nature ,tip the scale in any way and the result's will be catastrophic ,according to what i see and hear the scale has been tipped. it is just my point of view.

  6. S Atlantic ice temps down 2 degrees.... Polar ice caps thickening at the core at an alarming rate

    and it's May 16th....


    I'm writting this from my Hummer pulling a bunch of cows I'm taking to the glue factory

  7. Not about money,  so does that mean you are going to feed my children?   Do you intend to 'walk' and know your neighbor and send me the funds to buy my health insurance that I will lose when I lose my job since to 'walk' to my place of employment would take approx, 9 hours one way?

    Everyone does not live in a box in the city as you seem to do, you 'one way' approach is one reason sane people can not stand the shortsightedness of environmentalist.

    If you wish to sit in the cold dark, then please feel free to do so, but don't be a hypocrite about it, first turn off your PC or laptop, the power that it is using almost certainly came from coal that my family helped dig.

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