
N routes in France re-classified.?

by Guest31747  |  earlier

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Has anyone used an up-todate SAT NAV showing the new road numbers, now classified "D" and not "N" and if so, what unit are they using.




  1. I don't have SAT NAV and I can't help you but what I can tell you is:

    N means "Nationale", sometimes you will find RN  for "Route Nationale" (National Road, a major road)

    D means "Départementale" which is a "small" road, but the best to discover french country.

  2. I've noticed many of the roads have been reclassified between D (departmental) and N (national). The difference is who pays for the upkeep.

    There doesn't seem to be any easy to understand algorithm though. But the last couple of digits are kept. So for example (pulled out of the air, not a real example) if the N52 were to be reclassified it could become D952.

    When I come across a road not on my map, I just look for one that looks as if it might fit in with this scheme.

    But if you are using sat-nav, why do you care? Surely you just follow the orders of the disembodied voice telling you to turn right or left etc.

  3. Not all the D roads have been reclassified....and in many cases, only particular *sections* of D roads are now N roads.

    Here's the breakdown:

    Ax -- Autoroutes -- limited access divided highway, tolls.

    Nxx or RNxx -- National or Route National -- usually divided highway, major road, may be toll, may be limited access.

    Dxx or Dxxx -- Departmental -- two or four-lane road, not limited access, not toll.  

    Cxxx -- Communal -- these are the tiny backroads -- usually one or two very narrow lanes, winding through the most unpopulated areas of the countryside.

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