

by Guest61175  |  earlier

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My own personal one was when i went to my mates house and she was walking me to my house with another one of her friends which lived close by. We were walking along the path when we heard screaming - proper loud. We started walking a little faster now cause we were sh*tty ourselfs. We looked over and saw some women dragging herself along the raillings wearing all black , long black hair , dark eyes and mutting to herself giving us a dirty look. By now were'll ran and we looked back moments later from seeing her and nothing was there! :( omg i was scared sh*ttless!!!




  1. my baby died on the 8 may this year , i was 16 weeks pregnant , and went to the hospital to have a scan there was no heart beat , i was devastated, i was given a pill to start labour , and told to go home , any way the next day , at 2 am my labour pains started , i was in agony the hospital refused , to let me go in as my appointment , for me to go in wasnt till friday , with it been thursday they said i had to wait and take cocodamal ,, any it gets to 6.30 am i cant take the pain no more , so as i i go to phone the midwife i have one h**l of a contraction then i delivered my baby he was the size of my hand , my poor wee angel words cant describe how i felt but , what happened next , ooohhh , the placentre got stuck i started to lose blood rapidly , i managed to phone the midwife , who told me to put 2 pads in between my legs and go down to the hospital but id have to wait to see the docter !,, any way i manage to ring 999 she told me to lie on my side n put a towel in between my legs ,, then every thing went black ,, i woke in the hospital , to be told if i hadnt phoned 999 when i did i would of died ,, still haunts my now ,, i had to have an emergency operation n spent 2 day in hospital ,, THAT WAS THE SCARYIEST THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TO ME !!!.

  2. The day after my birthday party my parent's and me were walking some of my friends home. It was about 12pm and my neighborhood is very wooded and very dark. We all were walking when we saw this guy about 100 yards infront of us. It was rare to see someone walking around my street at this late. So we were messing around calling his name and stuff when i we noticed he was floating. We all couldn't believe it at first so we were freaking out. My parent's encouraged us to keep walking. So we followed the guy to my friend's house and we saw him walk around a turn in my block. He walked infront of this big evergreen tree and he never emerged from the other side. We were all freaked but it was funny.

    Also there was this time when i was 10 and my dad dared me to run into the very back of my yard. In the very back there is wood's and it's a pretty far distance to run because my yard is 2 acres. But, he said he'd give me 5 dollars if i did it so i accepted his challenge. I started running to the very back of my yard and i got right about to the woods when i heard growling. I thought it was a coyote so i started running. Then it got my leg's and threw me to the ground. That's when i realized it was my dog, Buddy.

  3. I was in a burning building.  That was very scary indeed.


  4. When a woman was dying in front of me and I had to perform first aid. He mouth was full of blood and I couldn't give her resuscitation. I had only just passed a first aid course for the 1st time that year.

    She survived in the end and I managed to keep her alive, very scary.

  5. i was about 4-5 and i went down a slide in the local swimming pool with my godmother she stuck me in font and i wanted to cling to her back so i would not go under and she said no and still made me go down with her.

    she promised she would not let me go well guess what she did and i sunk to the bottom of the deep end and could not get back up and had to be given mouth to mouth by life guard and now 25 i can not swim and i am scared to death of having me feet of the pool floor and even the smell of the chlorine makes me run in fear! i do not even trust people i love like family when they say i am right here with you and wil not let you sink.

  6. I tried to kill myself on Tuesday. I woke up being carted through the hospital, and when I looked down at myself and the doctors around me, everything was covered in blood. My blood. I had no idea what was going on.

  7. I thought I was going to bleed to death when my surgical wound opened up and wouldn't stop bleeding

  8. i was walking home with my friends and a car crashed into a bus right to the right of where we were walking.

  9. this is too scary it happend to me

    My own personal one was when i went to my mates house and she was walking me to my house with another one of her friends which lived close by. We were walking along the path when we heard screaming - proper loud. We started walking a little faster now cause we were sh*tty ourselfs. We looked over and saw some women dragging herself along the raillings wearing all black , long black hair , dark eyes and mutting to herself giving us a dirty look. By now were'll ran and we looked back moments later from seeing her and nothing was there! :( omg i was scared sh*ttless!!!

  10. Cut a long story short, my child 12 arrested for a crime that could have put him in jail for 10 years, we had a bent copper and infront of many professionals had to lay the law down to the copper that if my child was taken anywhere then I would truley shoot his kid in front of him on his living room floor, since that exact day I have got ill through having to stand up to the copper in such a way all because the authorities dont have the balls to stand up to a council estate and the ASBO family that caused the arrest. My child now found not guilty.......

  11. I'm 25 and have the same fear aruora12 so I understand. I'm sorry but you can eventually beat it by gradually building up to going swimming again.  

  12. 2 years ago in Spain. My brother was 2 and i was 11my brother as any normal two year old could not swim and was a little chubby baby my mum bought him a special life jacket. She had that on him and it was all zipped up he was in the baby pool which was about 40-50cm deep my mum was also in the pool with him, next thing her phone rang so she jumped out and answered the call still watching my brother then she turned around to get a pen a paper from here bag when she turned back my brother was lying face down in the water she was screaming at me to get out of the pool (big pool) and she was holding my baby brother and there were three life guards around her and a few friends i started crying as i didn't know what was happening but thank God he wasgivenn mouth to mouthstraightt away andresuscitatedd he is now 4 and is a great little swimmer but that day everybody at the pool got such a fright especially me and my mum that was a terrifying experience =[

  13. I was almost ran over by a car because they didn't signal.

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