
NASA is reporting that this is the coldest first 4 months in 11 years?

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Data just released data showing that this was the coldest first 4 months of the year globally in the last 10 years.

Was this cooling trend predicted in the computer models or is this a new development?

Some scientists are saying global warming is taking a break until 2012 and others say 2020. Is this the first indication that they are correct?

Or is this cooling trend the result of the worldwide effort to reduce co2, even if co2 actually hasn't measurably decreased?




  1. This is getting embarrassing you seem unable to understand what you are posting what you have is a list of simple number with a no comment from NASA as opposed to the link below from the same site which is a comment on 2007.

    Which shows as complete rubbish the recurring comments that we have been cooling since 98'.

    I found nothing on the Nasa site that matched you question heading.


    "Accept to blithely follow the rants of teachers and eco-terrorists."

    Shouldn't the proper quote be "Except to blithely follow the rants of teachers, eco-terrorists and most of the worlds climate scientists".

    Based on quite a few of your posts I have now seen you are no more a Meteorologist than I am Santa Claus. If you were a Meteorologist you would know that the accurate temp record goes back over a hundred years (not 2 or 20), with written records and the short term ice core record (1000 years) is also quite accurate and shows the trends over these time periods and these are backed up by the tree ring and sediment core records. And posting as a source, as you do regularly, adds little to your credibility.

    willow: what you say would be true except that we are at the start of the new solar cycle, 11 years ago was the start of the last, yet 1998 is the spike in the temp record so far, not that cool, you don't have to believe me look it up in google.

  2. ha! In only 11 years!?!?!

    big deal.

  3. Interestingly enough, the 2008 Mar-Apr average is up a full 0.315 C from the 2008 Jan-Feb average.  If this "trend" continues, we'll see an increase of 1.26 C by the end of the year!!!!!  ;-)

    This is why climate scientists don't waste time on the meaningless analysis of 2 - 4 month "trends".  I guess there's something to be said about actually getting an education with some numerical analysis and statistics training before attempting to understand data like this.

  4. What's really causing problems for global warming enthusiasts is that in the past 100 years or so the earth has warmed by just .1 degree C.  And since 1998, this extremely minor warming trend has stopped.  In the last 10 years there has been no temperature increase.  In the antarctic reason global cooling now seems to be happening.

    There is no worldwide effort to reduce CO2.  Most of the world can't afford to spend the billions of dollars required to try to change.  It's just as well, because CO2 is not a problem and there is no evidence of global warming.  Those countries who spend the money by implementing carbon taxes are just blowing their money (stupidly) on nothing.  

    Some people here on this site answer questions and pass themselves off as physicists, climatologists, or scientific this or that's.  Be very suspicious of them, because from regularly reading their answers I see critical errors in basic science.

    Global temperatures change naturally, over long (to us) but short (to the earth) periods of time.  A couple of hundred thousand years ago the place I'm sitting now had a mile-thick layer of ice covering it.  A natural 'global waring' melted this ice.  Then the process happened again.  If people would take the time to educate themselves instead of listening to environmental wackos we'd all be less stressed and much better off.

  5. don't Bob's dates roughly coincide with the solar pattern, which suggests that the sun controls our climate

  6. Neither a cold spell or cold year or heating during a year is a predictor of future events.    Not one year or two or twenty.  It is merely a trend.     It saddens me that kids are not taught to question everything.  Accept to blithely follow the rants of teachers and eco-terrorists.

  7. I know! I miss Global Warming. Did you know their used to be farm land in Greenland. Man it would be nice if it was that warm again.

  8. Yes, as a matter of fact the Hadley Centre Met Office did expect 2008 to be relatively cool (relative to recent years).  It's called La Nina.

    The fact that you're talking about 4 month periods over a span of just 10 years instead of any long-term trends proves that you have no arguments against global warming.  All you can do is cherrypick weather anomalies.

  9. Keep counting your chickens. There are many peaks and valleys.

  10. I could not view a graph from you link, only a text file.

    As much as it pains me to have to admit that something Bob said is even remotely correct he his right in saying that 4 months does not indicate much.(Although I think you realize that)

    That is as far as I could agree with his comments.

    I guess it only proves that you can't be wrong 100% of the time no matter how hard you try!

    The fact that you give these people the credit of calling them 'scientists' is elevating them to a standard which I do not believe is fair to proper scientists.

    As far as predicting the future with their computer modeling is concerned, they are just now claiming pride that "since the models are now able to predict the past so well, they have every confidence in their ability to predict the future."!!!

    Now am I the only one on this planet that finds that type of statement to be insane?

    I HOPE NOT!!!!

    By the way, it seems that they are starting to refer to it as 'Global Climate Change' instead of 'Global Warming'.

    This way, they seem to have 'all bases covered', no matter what nature decides to throw our way.

    Since CO2 gas is NOT a so-called 'Greenhouse Gas', it would not matter if the levels increased or decreased in concentration.

    The only thing that this worldwide effort to reduce CO2 emissions is causing the entire world to suffer needlessly, while making a few more rich bas**rds even richer.

  11. They're saying that the natural cooling of the oceans has caused the planet to delay global warming for 10 to 20 years.

    This is just a way to cover themselves for all the flaws in their models.  Not one prediction has come true so far.  They'd give up if they were paid to get results, but since they're paid to find a way to blame humans, they will never stop.

    What a farce.

  12. I am sure there will be a variety of opinions and hopefully in the mix a few facts.

  13. Just one short cooling period due to weather, which doesn't mean a thing.  It happened in 1982, 1991-1992, 1999-2000.  EVERY TIME global warming came back stronger than ever.  Proof.

    discussed in detail, with confirmation, at:

    As long as we keep making greenhouse gases in enormous amounts, global warming will dominate in the long run.  It's simple physics.

  14. Any time U hear Global anything it is a scam. There are hot places and colder places. If Global Warming or Global Cooling U will see 100 yr. records being broken. The sun cycle is normally 11 years.

  15. going back from that raw data (i couldnt be bothered to work out which graph is figure c; north america at a guess?) i found these lovely maps;

    bottom left hand one, you can see our heat wave here in u.k.,from which we are having a temporary respite and a little welcome rain!

    aha! found figure c! of course, its the Global Monthly Mean Surface Temperature Change!!! the only one that looks flat-ish because it shows the monthly averages, which of course fluctuate madly and completely swamp the overall warming trend to the casual observer. very clever.

    antarctic ice! ""Except to blithely follow the rants of teachers, eco-terrorists and most of the worlds climate scientists".

    using the new split infinity drive!

    (sorry, old star trek joke)

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