
NASA says there is to be more cosmic activity during the infamous year 2012? What activity will happen?

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My source is Fox News.




  1. Eri is right. This happens frequently- it's not an unnatural process. The sun has been doing this for the last 4.5 billion years it's been around- nothing to worry about. Although I do not recall 2012 being 'infamous'. It's just a normal year like every other. No such catastrophic events will take place- unless the Olympics kill us. Oh by the way, Fox News will do anything to get their hands on something and twist it around. They're known for that. Don't trust 'em.

  2. well we dont know that for sure no one does but the Myans had a calender that has actually predicted many things that have actually happened throughout history even down to precise things like the cival war and the world wars, they also predicted that that would be the end of the world so it is likely that that could be. they also had a legend of these crystal skulls that when all 13 are gathered and put into a certain formationit would cause the end of the world to stop but so far in the last 100 years or so there were only 2 or 3 skulls found and those are the only one that we actually have. we also know that these skulls can not be made with even the most precise machinery and even people  in the jewelery buisiness so it is still a mystery how they were made since they have no scratches or marks of any kind. so the possibility that there gods or aliens made them and warned them is possible but unlikely

  3. Do you have any sources for that claim?

  4. The same thing that has happened every 11 years for the last 5 billion years.  The Sun will enter an active period for about a year, then calm down for about 10 years, then do it again.  Did the world end the last 400 million times this happened?  Nope.  And it won't this time.

  5. Solar maximum years can cause some atmospheric effects like aurora.

    The increased solar activity can damage un-shielded satelites and disrupt telecommunications on Earth too.

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