
NASCAR Fans, What kind of pets do you own and are they named after anything having to do with Nascar?

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Just curious of what animals (dogs, cats, fish, horse) Nascar fans own. Dear heads, taxidermies of fish, wives, kids, and husbands do NOT count.

If you do not own a pet, what would you have and what name would you give it having to do with Nascar?

I have two black pure bred German shepherds. They are not named after anything having to do with Nascar. If I had to name them after Nascar, I would name my female shepherd "Eldora" (Tony Stewart's track) and for my male I would call him "The Intimidator"




  1. I have a cocker spaniel named Charlie-we thought about naming it after our favorite nascar driver, I wanted Kyle(couldn't do Rowdy cuz that was a kitty we used to have)

    hubby and the kids wanted either Dale, Dale Jr., Jr. Bud(stil in the #8 car) something to that effect, so in order to keep the peace, we decided to nix the nascar theme.

    We also have a grey tabby cat named Jasper, we got him at 4 months old and already had that name, it suited him, so we kept it.

  2. I named my Pomeranian  after my favorite driver. Kasey!!!!  I bet he'd love to know I named my white fluff after him! LOL LOL She was born on the last Labor Day race, when they were in Fontana. So I had to name her that!!!! LOL

  3. I have a black lab (pure) curiously named Mercedes.  I have a mixed retriever rescue.  I have a tortoise.  None are named after anything related to NASCAR.

  4. No pets, but my son's middle name happens to be Cale

  5. my dogs named DIXIE!!!!!!!!!

  6. I have 2 cats...not named after NASCAR but celebrites having to do with country life. Toby (Keith) and Lane (Frost).

  7. I have a "Cairnoodle"   - Miniature Poodle/Cairn Terrier named Muffy.

    Nothing NASCAR about that.  I have a close friend who has a Bull Mastiff named Zeus and I used to hide Muffy when that thing came around.  Now I have just banned Zeus from my house.  

    No NASCAR themed pet though.

  8. I have a pure bred Tonkinese cat names Sterling after Sterling Marlin.

  9. I don't have any pets.  Just a punching bag I call Juan Pablo.

    I think the only driver I could name an animal after is Reed Sorenson because he looks like a little puppy dog to me.

  10. I name all my clay pigeons Kyle or Jeffie.

  11. I have two blueticks - one called  Dixie (where Nascar originated - her papers are Blackwell's Swamp Music after the Lynyrd Skynryd song) and the other I adopted from the pound after I saw him on Petfinder. I had got him and was trying to think up a name when he curled up his lip on one side like he was trying to smile before he jumped in my lap. He does the lip thing when he's happy and/or trying to mess with you (to get you to play). Anyway, I love Nascar and that led to me naming him Dale (because his little quirk reminded me of the half-smile you used to see Dale Sr do)

  12. My cats that I currently have dont have names relating to NASCAR but I want to get a little puppy and name him Rowdy! after Kyle Busch! I think that would be cute.

  13. I like this question!! I have a dog and a cat inside and neither of them are named for anything Nascar.  But my husband has hunting dogs and a couple of them have been named after Nascar drivers....."smoke" for Tony of course and "rusty" of Rusty Wallace but neither one of them are with us anymore=:(

  14. Where I live we have pet problems so I choose not to have pets. "Slick" would be a cool name for a pet.

    Use to have a Rottweiler named "Boodrow". I built a shed just for him in the summertime. Had a pen. Half of the shed was for the tractor and the other half was for Boodrow.  The neighbor's kids loved him. I had water ran to his pen and the kids would come by and water Boodrow down and pet him. He was loving all the attention.

    We'd take Boodrow to the sand pits and let him run loose. The kids would dig holes in the sand and Boodrow would help. I was worried the sand would fall in on Boodrow. He didn't seem to worry about it. He kept on digging.

  15. I have donkey and named him Mr.Red Neck.

  16. boxer named Lucky and pug named Kenseth

  17. LOL this is so funny I was going to ask this same question today. And to answer your question surprisingly only one. And its even more surprising since I have 12 horses, 2 dogs, 32 Rabbits, 7 fish, 5 ducks and they ALL have names LOL. But anyways I have a rabbit named after my favorite track, Daytona.

  18. Well i have a Chihuahua named Sonoma! I named him that after Tony Stewart's 2005 win at Sonoma. 2005 was my first year of watching Nascar. Sonoma was the first Nextel (NOW SPRINT) Cup race he won that year. So i named my dog after that win so i would never forget it!

  19. I have one big dumb black lab, and 7 cats(I'm not counting the large wolf spider that's set up house on my back door). Only one of the cats is named after anything NASCAR and his name is Smoke.

  20. I have a cat named Deuce after the #2 car and another cat named Hermie after Hermie Sadler.

  21. I have a paperweight named "Micheal Waltrip"

  22. I have a Jack Russell Mini Pin Mix

    And his name is Bandit cuz he steals food off the table and he's like Matt and steals the lead

  23. I have a dog named "Smoke" cuz he looks gray and is very fast runner.

  24. I have a tiny taco bell, her name is Princess.  

    She's a tiny little thing but mean as can be!  Anyone have suggestions of how I can get her to behave?  She thinks she's a doberman, maybe?

  25. I have a chihuahua named poncho but i should have named him Tony because he doesn't know when to shut his mouth and stop yapping...LOL just kidding,I love Smoke.

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