
NASCAR. OK, seriously, what the heck's the big deal?

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I know there's a points race, teams, wrecks, and let's not forget - "Look! They're making another left turn!" (quoted by comedian, Jeff Dunham) Hey, it just dawned on me. . . maybe NASCAR is just another excuse to sit around and get drunk? I'm not trying to insult anyone with this question, but I really would like to know what's so great about NASCAR.




  1. Jeff Dunhams hilarious but seriously theres more than left turns theres right turns on road courses you have to have a passion to be a motorsports fan you are insulting all the fans of every type of motorsort not just nascar and you must think were a bunch of rednecks right ? Wrong im from Delaware there are 2 tracks in caliifornia and one in new york buddy thats the north


    if have something wrong to say about something other people enjoy youve come to the wrong place  

    Phillies out  

       like Truex Menard Fanatic said I am too young to drink anyway

  2. Nascar is the one sporting event where the most American flags wave.

    I think it is the cars going real fast and the wrecks and drama that some like.

    I like it because I love cars with a lot of HP.  I also think the analogy of racing, pit strategy, etc is very interesting and stimulating.

    Nascar screams America  or what is left of America.

    PS--Next time you ask a question have an  etiquette class prior.

  3. It's exciting to watch the race.  You have to have a favorite to root for.  Then you watch them pass eachother, bump eachother, almost lose control of their car.  It's just exciting.  Plus, everone says, "oh, left turns, left turns."  There are a couple of road races where they make right turns, too, lol!  I find all sports exciting.  Plus, name another sport where all the teams can play in the same game at the same time against eachother.

  4. first of all, i'm 17 years old, i don't sit around and get drunk.

    answering your question about why is NASCAR so great. just watch this:

  5. for your info I DONT DRINK  and dont appreciate the assumption

  6. If a NASCAR race is on, h**l ya i'm gonna sit round and get drunk son. You ain't from round here is ya?  Keep yer hateful pinions to yerself boy.

  7. What is so great about it is to see how fast they can go while making a left turn.

    PS: The purpose of turning left is so they don't hit the wall. Hope this helps.

  8. It's not an excuse to sit around and get drunk (I don't even drink... on too many medications to do that)... either you get it, or you don't.  All sports are like that.  I can't get into Rugby or cricket, but I understand the people who do.  If you've never watched a race, I recommend you watch the race at Indy this weekend.  If you're just looking for reasons why people like the sport, use the little search bar on the top of the page.  It works wonders!

  9. NASCAR is a real sport. Motorsports is a real sport. One mistake here, and you can get killed. It's a harsh reality no one escapes. Not even our Superman (RIP Dale). Everything else is just a game. I guess it's part of the attraction to some.

    Edit: Who says we watch for the wrecks? What makes you assume, bumping and racing = wrecking?

  10. I am 16 years old. I don't get drunk. Alcohol is nasty. And will never drink it. NASCAR is a very good sport it is not boring. People who say it is are jealous of it because they know that it is a great sport but don't want to admit it.

    Drivers are living on the edge of disaster. Disaster looms in every corner. Tears, Sweat and Glory hanging on to the rear end of their spoilers. Wives, Girlfriends, Children, Fans all praying to see their driver got o Victory Lane. This sport is based off Emotions and Glory. That is why I like NASCAR

  11. What is so great about Nascar?

    Everything!! You either like it or you don't.

    I love watching Nascar and I never get drunk while watching a race.

  12. Oh yeah we are just a bunch of drunken rednecks with nothing better to do than sit around watching NASCAR and getting drunk.

    You ought to think about stereotypying people before you ask such insulting questions.

  13. 1) I don't just sit around and get drunk. In fact I don't drink at all during the race.

    With that being said..I don't get the fascination some people have for golf, never have, never will. But I don't go onto the golf section and ask "So what's so great about golf"?

    Those that watch it enjoy it, so be it.

    I like nascar, I love the speed, the excitement(and I'm not talking about wrecks) the strategy, the anticipation.

    If you want to like it, sit back and watch a few races, if not, so be it, I'll watch for ya.

    edit:Sweetie, did it ever occur to you that the reason people got defensive is because you came on here saying "Hey, it just dawned on me...maybe NASCAR is just another excuse to sit around and get drunk"? You don't think that's insulting?

    Of course we're going to get defensive about that. Just sayin'...

  14. I'm into Nascar NOW... more than i was over 12 years ago when I WAS drinking !!

    Learn what to look for during a race... you'll see !!!

  15. You have to be smart to understand it. I am not going to waste time and say why I like it. You just have to understand to watch it, it is just too technical for you I guess, so its not for you.

  16. There is a great video on youtube that shows what nascar is all about! i recommend it.

    its titled:  Nascar? Whats all the Hype about?

  17. Lots of Fans do not drink so that's  my story and sticking to it! As for left turns...if you have never been to a race then you will never understand the adrenalin rush you get and the excitement of rooting for the driver or drivers you like..the smells of rubber, gas, food, and all the fun in meeting new peeps from all over the USA and other I will not waste your time or mine any longer..all I can say is "try will either like it or hate it"

    You tell it Winter and Greenbean!!! Great Answers

  18. Not everyone likes the same things.

    This book may help "We are all different" by Sesame Street

  19. Right....your question is not insulting at all.

    I don't understand why people like golf or football either, but I certainly don't bash either sport or put people down who like them. I used to feel that way about tennis too, but I gave it a chance and actually watched some matches, and I love it. People who want to remain ignorant will always find a reason to sound ignorant.

  20. Have you ever watched one? HAve you been to one? Once you do that it is like opera either you are going to love it or not...For me its the challenge, the thrill, the speed, the drivers ability to maneuver at high speeds around a track and not hit everything there.....

  21. First off, most Nascar fans are adults, so they don't need an excuse to sit around and get drunk. They can do whatever they want. You aren't into it obviously, and that's fine. But before you rip on it, and us, why don't you try to watch a race and see how intense it can get. It takes true athletes to drive these cars at 200 miles an hour right next to each other. If you want to watch something exciting, watch a race where Kyle Busch, someone I personally can't stand, is in second or third place with a couple laps left. It will be one of the most exciting things you have ever seen. Something big will happen. Honestly, just try to watch a race this weekend. Even if is just the truck race tonite or the Nationwide race tomorrow. They are shorter so it would be easier for a newbie to get into.

  22. PJB, its all about TEAMWORK.

    There is a certain spirit that draws the faithful to a race. (NO, I don't want you to send me money).

    It is hard to explain, but it is just that, unexplainable.

    It is like asking, why do Texans like football, they just do.

    There are too many reasons to list on why I like NASCAR, but you should come up with your own.

    If the "sitting around to get drunk" bothers you, do what I do. Watch the race alone, and don't drink.

    Good luck in your search.

    Rosie does make a good point. Let's see what happens if we put all the NFL quarterbacks on the same field and told them to play. They would have no idea what to do,


    And, the cars do turn right. It just leaves a mark when they do.......

  23. If you really wanted to know you would sit down and watch it or at least learn about it before asking.  No one here can convince anyone of watching something they have no interest watching in the first place.

  24. First off, I don't need ANY "excuse" to sit around and get drunk.  I can do that with or without a race on.  So that blows your theory on that.

    If ya don't like it, leave.  Don't bother us with this nonsense question that is asked all too often.  It's like EVERYTHING else in this life, some people will like it, some will love it, some will hate it.

  25. Not trying to insult anyone?  If that were really the case you could have worded your question different.

    I am sure you have interests that would bore other people.

    I don't go to the forum of something you like and insult it (even if you say you are not).  

    NASCAR ROCKS!!!! Watch it and see.

  26. You say what is the big deal about NASCAR, I say what is the big deal about Jr fans? Sometimes life is a mystery

  27. If you have to ask in an insulting way , you'll never understand. It is over your head, but then again that is probably something you've heard repeatedly. But thanks for asking. Maybe stick to baseball everybody is  pretty sober over there.

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