
NASCAR _ Why, why why do they have to keep changing the names?

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Oh gee gosh i i dont get it. Please I get the money/ sponsor thing. Apparently you didn't get my question, except for John C and Green Bean. I really appreciate all the condescending answers guys. Thanks. John you get the points. Green Bean - ROCK ON! Peace




  1. your trying to make it seem they change it every year

  2. sponsorship and now sprint might be bought by anothr buissness dont recall who though

  3. Well you do know that Winston, NEXTEL, Sprint, Busch, Nationwide, Craftsman are the names of the sponsors of the series right? (Cause you making it sound like they are just random prefixes).

    It was Winston Cup but because of the US Gov't tightening laws on tobacco sponsorship they opted out of sponsoring the Cup Series beyond 2003. NEXTEL signed on through 2014 but have since been bought by Sprint which is phasing out the NEXTEL name, hence the 3rd name change to the Sprint Cup Series. Yes, they knew about the conflict about the Sprint car series & the Sprint Cup Series.

    Busch was the sponsor of the (now) Nationwide Series up till 2007 but opted out & somewhat reduced their participation in NASCAR by also dropping sponsorship of the Pole Award. Nationwide stepped up & thats where we are today.

    And if you don't like name changes you're out of luck, because Craftsman is no longer going to be the sponsor of the Truck Series beyond 2008. Kobalt Tools has emerged as the leading candidate to take over sponsorship of the series, but nothing is confirmed as yet.

  4. the name changes were based on the reason that all tobacco companies had to pull major sponsorship in all american sports due to the class action lawsuit imposed on them for not disclosing to smokers all the risks,, and thus, after the lawsuit was settled, Winston, Pulled from all form of motor sports,, they also were the primary sponsor for NHRA too... if you look at their name its now the Powerade Drag racing series...

    Marlboro, a longtime sponsor of Penske indycars left as well, as well as Kool team green,

    Nextel first took over ,, and had their name on ,, but was bought out by sprint,, thus making sprint the primary share holder, and placed its name on all sponsorships and endorsments,, thus making it the Sprint Cup series,,

    what used to be a sport is now a business,,

    its the same with all sports

    Remember when all college football bowl games had just one name and then Bowl after it,,,   and remember when there was no bcs !!!

  5. if u watched it like you say you do then you would know and wouldnt even be whats with these questions

  6. Its sponsorship genius. Craftsman Tools sponsor Truck Series, Nationwide sponsers the old Busch series, and Sprint sponsors cup series.

  7. It is all money, who ever comes up with the most money to put their name on the series wins the rights to name it. But in the case of Winston, when they were the primary sponsor, they elected to back out of the sponsorship. Had to do with the tobacco and all that.

  8. tisk tisk....u must not understand the business aspect of Nascar....its all about the sponsors ya know why?? cause its all about the GREEN BABY!!!

    Please, try and understand NASCARs philosophy "C.R.E.A.M"

    Cash Rules Everything Around Me

    i don't expect anything more than a "Thumbs Down"

  9. i believe "the sprint cup" as a name was sprint's idea - they do pay tens of millions of dollars to plaster their name all over it... and in case you missed it, it was the "nextel cup" for four years there in between "the winston cup" and "the sprint cup."  

    as if that and the "busch" to "nationwide" series changes aren't enough, look forward to a new name for the truck series next year - craftsman's contract is up and they are not renewing. right now it looks like kobalt tools will sponsor that series - them or stanley tools or napa.

    as for confusion with "sprint cars" - that question specifically was asked by one of the more "astute" reporters at the press conference last year announcing the name change. they (nascar and sprint) felt that the confusion would be minimized as they are pretty much used in different circles (so to speak) and on different levels.  i don't think it's been a big problem for people to differentiate "sprint cup cars" and "sprint cars" this year.

    personally, i found it more difficult last year to keep the various "busch"s straight than to differentiate the different "sprints" straight this year. kyle busch, kurt busch, the "busch" series, "busch" beer. and after the last four weeks, where a "busch" has been in victory lane at the sprint cup level, i've seen a few refer to the sprint cup as "the new busch series" as of late. just can't seem to get that name in the press enough - especially for a "busch brothers fan" like me... maybe that's why anheuser-busch bowed out - their name is still being mentioned all the time anyways...


  10. Money Honey     $$$$$$$$$$

  11. This is because of sponsorships. It also doesn't look good to have your two main events named for beer and smokes.

  12. there, there, it's O.K.

    I know it's tough being a girl sometime.

    but I look so hot in pantyhose

  13. I just call it The Cup.  It does suck that the names change so much, but NA$CAR keeps asking for more and more $$$$$ and the old sponsors didnt wanna cough it up.

  14. NASCAR is a privately owned business-the France family. Sprint & Nationwide spent big bucks (for advertising) to be host for both series. The France family sell rights to the biggest bidder.  I agree-It will always be Winston & Busch.

  15. They change the name because different companies buy and sell the naming rights. NASCAR is all about sponsorship. They name things after the company that pays the most. Winston is a tobacco company. Busch is a Beer. Sprint is a cell phone company.

  16. $ GREED $

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