
NASCAR enters the final third of the season, has the HMS decision to drop Kyle and hire Dale Jr. been a good?

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  1. good for jgr and kyle and bad for HMS & Jr.

  2. For maketability it is.For wins it isnt.I think over the term of the contract going with Dale Jr.will always be a good decision.As long as Earnhardt Jr can drive I would think anyone would want him.Can you immagine the marketing and liscencing money HMS has raked in with having Earnhardt and Gordon on the same team?I went to the HMS museum two months ago and the merchandise flying out of there was phenominal.I have to say it is a must see place for any fan and it is FREE TOO.I really don't have a favorite driver in NASCAR but I know that Dale Jr will make you cash in more ways than on the track.

  3. That's the problem with resting on your laurels... let's hope Gibbs learns from Hendrick's mistake!  Then again, Rick Hendrick has to be making a killing on selling merchandise, so I'm sure he's not complaining.

  4. It was almost as dumb as Dale Jr's mental prowess

  5. How come no one questions Jack Roush's decision to let Kyle go, and picking up McMurray? Ok now in all seriousness, I don't think that anybody was expecting Kyle to have the season he's having. h**l just going by the previous 4 seasons you'd expect 1 win and a lot of wrecked Camrys.  

  6. These are tough times to be a Jr. fan. Everything is in place, minus the results.

  7. jrs doin lot better and kyle wouldnt have these wins if he was with hendricks

  8. I'm not going to sugar coat this anymore Troy.

    Rick Hendrick is an idiot.  

    Even if he would have had to pay out a ton of money to drop Mears instead he would have made that money back quickly between Kyles talent and Jrs Beer coozie sales.  

  9. yes. especially for kyle and jgr.

  10. They don't care. They only care about money and strength in their organization.  

  11. It was a really good decision for Kyle. Next they are dumping the Mears kid for a has been. I hope Mears gets the RCR ride and kicks ***.

  12. Well, it seems that Kyle is going out of his way to prove to them it was a mistake. Personally I would have preferred that Kyle had stayed with Hendricks and Jr had gone to Joe Gibb's Racing instead. That way he could have teamed up with Tony. But only time will tell who got the better of that deal.

    Have a nice day, except for those crybaby HMS fans who are dissing Jr. Too bad about Gordon and Johnson running into each other in the race.

  13. I think it has been good for both drivers.

    Kyle has a chance to be himself and have the spot light on him (also to rub his good season into hendricks face) and Earnhardt actually has a car where the motor does not blow up.  Good equipment and is able to race.

    So yes, both drivers seem to be happier mentally with their teams and their driving (both of them) has improved significantly sense last season.

  14. Joe Gibbs should be nominated for a Noble Peace Prize. He looks like a genious right now. But hey, Rick has got the t-shirt war won.

  15. It was for JGR!

    But Rick's got alot of t-shirts sold..

  16. well since it's just come to light that the 18 and 20 teams have been cheating all year, i thinks it's only fair to wait and see how they match up when everything is even equipmtmentwise.  

  17. No.  They swapped a very talented driver for one who is mediocre and is only popular because of who his father was..

  18. Well, it sure has hurt HMS but it sure has helped JGR !

  19. Hind sight being 20/20, yes.  Both for HMS and Kyle.  There was trouble with the union long before Dale Jr. came into the picture.  Read the press releases, follow the history with an open mind.

    Kyle is doing much better where he is.  Now he has to settle down and take responsiblity for his actions. Experiance and maturity takes time.  He may win races,now. He may be a good driver; someday, maybe a great driver.....only time will tell.....

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