
NASCAR fans what is the difference between a full time and part time driver?

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Also do you even care about the part time drivers? Are they important or just reserves? Thanks.




  1. The full time drivers are in the seat the whole season...the part time drivers share the seat with other drivers.  It doesn't make a difference to me one way or the other.  It gives the owners an opportunity to try more than one driver to see who works best with the team.

  2. Part-time drivers are drivers that drive part time schedules...any qualified NASCAR driver can drive parttime or full time. Part-time drivers depend on the situation...Bill Elliott drives a parttime schedule for the Wood Brothers and Jon Wood drives other races for the team. Full-time drivers drive the entire schedule in any series but drivers double dip and drive other series as part-time or full-time. The benefits of a parttime drivers help sponsors get TV time, help younger drivers develop by reducing their workloads, or to keep the schedule friendly for a driver's time. Yes, they drive in NASCAR, they are important but they don't seem to give as much effort as they want to...they have the "bring it home, without making the team look bad philosophy". They are important but they help teams stay in the top 35 and that is important in this era of NASCAR.

  3. The good Drivers drive all of the time

  4. Part time means that they do not compete in all races in a NASCAR season.

    Full time means that they do compete in all races in a NASCAR season.

    Well part timers are for various reasons nowadays.

    -for semi-retired drivers: Mark Martin, Terry Labonte, Bill Elliott

    -for teams just looking for track time in preperation for next season: #33 RCR car

    -for teams that probably want to compete full time but don't have the necessary funds to do so: #49 BAM car, #09 James Finch car, etc

  5. one gets alot of 'spect one dosn't

  6. um one gets a lot more spect then the other and also one only drives part time and the other full time duh!!!

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