
NATO and Russia.....

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If Russia continues to work their way into Georgia, what will the rest of the world do? Ukraine has been the only one that I've heard that has said anything about stepping in, and if they did that NATO would be involved in the situation. My next question is would all of the countries of NATO actually fulfill their obligation to the treaty? Would the U.S. most likely just take air and sea superiority over the entire area seeing that the majority of it's Infantry is in the Middle East?




  1. The rest of the world, especially NATO, will do absolutely nothing but ***** and moan. Ukraine and Georgia are not part of NATO, so NATO has no "obligation" to fill. The US wants no conflict with Russia, as the implications are too broad - and Russia knows it. I'm also not so sure the US Air Force can take "superiority" over the Russian Air Force so easily.

    Since I get both sides of the story (US+Russian), I can say that the real motives are simply a guess. Both sides have perfectly valid views, when seen from their point of view. However, we all know there are 3 sides... ours, theirs, and the truth.

    My personal opinion is that Russia is simply using the Georgia/Ossetia conflict to remind the other CIS countries (like Ukraine) that they should be more "Russia friendly" than "West friendly". Both Georgia and Ukraine have been very bold against Russia, hiding behind their new found "friendship" with the US.

    And for the record, South Ossetia did not just try to "annex" themselves from Georgia this year. They declared independence back in 1990 when Georgia declared Independence from Russia, with the desire to reunite with North Ossetia. So Georgia is actually practicing a form of hypocrisy in not allowing them to declare indpendence and reunify with their northern (Russian) brothers.

    Think about it... at the basic level, Russia has done nothing that the US did not do when the we entered Iraq. (Yes, we are hypocrites too).

  2. Well the rest of the world would probably call a meeting of the UN and talk about it for day after day.......then do nothing.

    Your NATO question is a good one........ lets hope we don't have to find out

  3. Do u know what Georgian army did in South Ossetia? do u know about more than 1.500 dead people ??? of course u don't.. and u only listen to ur "one side" media as CNN and BBC. they show u what they want. MAKE UR OWN OPINION!!!

  4. Georgia is not included in Nato

    The President of Georgia carries out genocide against his people

  5. NATO will probably not actually engage Russian troops, that's how you start a much larger war, and the United States has no desire to start a war with Russia, most likely NATO would be present for humanitarian aid   , unless Russia starts deliberately killing civilians, or violating geneva conventions, they would try to stick to that role, but with an escalating conflict you never can be really sure.
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