
NBA Special Report: Most Valued Player award predictions- with a look into the past season

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NBA Special Report: Most Valued Player award predictions- with a look into the past season
The past few seasons saw the Cleveland Cavaliers man, LeBron James pull away with the individual award of the Most Valued Player (MVP) in the NBA with dominance.  Last season King James was able to win the MVP award but last year James was a Cavalier. This season according to experts, James will not only be an ex-Cavs player but also an ex-MVP. With his move to the Miami Heat, James will no longer be a part of the team, where he was the centre of play.
The panel that consisted of 93 experts came up with the predictions as to who would be ahead and favourite to win the MVP award this upcoming season. The statistics include the player’s performance last season and where he finished in last year’s polling.
Kevin Durant, who plays as a small forward in the Oklahoma Thunders team is in the first position for the list of players who could be the MVP according to the experts. Kevin Durant has 41 expert votes to his name and is looking strong to win this time. Last year saw him finish in the 2nd spot behind King James with 30.1 points per game and 7.6 rebounds per game. The experts say that due to the fact that the Thunders are expected to finish in 2nd position in the Western Conference, this is the reason that more than half the experts think that Kevin won’t be able to win the award. Although it is also expected by some that, this young, 22 year old powerhouse will be a point’s machine this season. Another thing that the experts have predicted is the fact that Kevin will play an important role if the USA were to win their first World Championship since 1994.
The defending champion and undoubtedly best leader in the NBA today, Kobe Bryant comes in next with 23 expert votes. Last year saw him finish in 3rd slot with 27 points per game and 5.4 rebounds per game. Apart from this, Kobe is nearing the great Michael Jordan’s record for the number of championship rings. According to many, Kobe might reach as Jordan just leads by 6 titles to five. When it comes to the MVP awards, Jordan is way ahead maintaining a healthy lead of 5-1. Furthermore, experts say that after Kobe wins the sixth championship ring, he would surely be one the greatest to have ever existed. The Lakers and Kobe look to make three titles again, after they managed to do so during the time when Kobe and Shaq duo was at its best in the Lakers. The main reason that keeps this great in second place is the fact of his health. Last season also saw him sit out for nine games.
The next two spots are occupied by the Miami Heat men, LeBron James and Dwayne Wade respectively. LeBron James won last year with 29.7 points per game and 7.3 rebounds per game. This year he managed to bag 15 experts’ votes and many say that it might be the start of new era, where LeBron would manage to average a triple double since Oscar Robertson 1961-1962. However, experts say that with the presence of Wade and Bosh in the team, it seems highly unlikely that James would manage to do so.
Dwayne Wade, the second of the Miami men is in next. Wade managed 5th position, after he managed to salvage 26.6 points per game and 4.8 rebounds per game. Again, experts say that playing alongside big names, LeBron and Bosh it seems very difficult that Wade would be the stand out man in the team and manage to come up with better performances than the other two players. However, with 8 experts voting for him, D-Wade still has a chance as the Miami Heat are expected to win 60 plus games, which means a lot of points would be scored. Wade is as strong a candidate as LeBron James this season, according to reports.
Dwight Howard comes in next completing the top 5. Last season saw him finish in 4th position, although this splendid player has been able to the win the Defensive Player of the Year award for two consecutive seasons now. His luck doesn’t seem to support him when it comes to the MVP award and this year it is no different.
Now let’s wait and watch whether or not, the MVP goes into the predicted hands or is there some twist in the story and we are to see someone surprise us.  



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