
NBA second half analysis: Houston Rockets vs. Boston Celtics

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NBA second half analysis: Houston Rockets vs. Boston Celtics
The Houston Rockets skidded past the Boston Celtics at the end of first half, 50-49.
Third Quarter
Shane Battier clinched the very first shot of the third quarter as he got an assist from Louis Scola to pin down a jump shot. Paul Pierce answered with a layup shot to score nine for himself and 51 for the Celtics. Moments later Jordan Hill missed a jump
shot as the ball came his way and Pierce rebound the ball for the Celtics. At 10:51 on the clock Glen Davis levelled a turnaround fade away shot to clinch an edgy lead over the Rockets once more, 53-52.
Louis Scola’s layup shot tied the scores at 55-all. Hill made a running dunk shot as Kyle Lowry gave him an assist to take the lead back into their hands, 57-55. Ray Allen made a layup shot to tie the scores at 57-all.
Later on, Battier committed a shooting foul that trounced two free throws for the Celtics that Pierce easily grabbed, going 64-65. Soon after that Houston had the lead back into their hands and Aaron Brooks clinched a three pointer to edge past the Celtics
and leashed into a 70-64 run. Allen clinched two shots one after the other assisted by Rajon Rondo to close in on the Rockets, 68-70.
End of Third Quarter
The Houston Rockets froze 80-74 lead over the Boston Celtics.
Fourth Quarter
Daniels missed a three pointer at the very beginning of the last quarter. Jared Jeffries clinched a tip shot that gave the Rockets their first two points of the final quarter, 82-74. Nate Robinson missed the first shot of the fourth quarter that came his
way and Jermaine O’Neal followed with a shooting foul for the same. Courtney Lee made both the free throws that came his way to open a 10 point run over the Celtics, 84-74.
Nearing the end of the game, the Rockets carried the 10 point run until Boston edged a jump shot that Davis clinched at 5:20 remaining in the game. Aaron Brooks clinched a three pointer that edged the Rockets once more over the Boston Celtics, 101-98. This
time the lead was 11 point run that leashed on until Allen tossed a full power three pointer, flying towards the Rockets in full speed, 99-106.
Pierce clinched another three pointer assisted by Rondo, going 102-106. But Houston Rockets were not easy enough to let go of the lead. The Rockets savoured one shot, sealing in a six point lead over the Celtics.
End of game
The Houston Rockets defeated the Celtics in a 108-102 roundup at home ground. 



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