
NBA2K9 vs. NBA live 2009????

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ok when they come out, whitch one should i get? here are my questions....

1. which has better game play

2. ive played nba live 07 and nba 08 the life vol 3, and both sucked. live is to easy to dunk.

is 2k better????

3. does nba 2k have superstar things like live does (scorer, high flyer, ect)

so im thinkin of gettin 2k9, but is it gonna b better than live 09?




  1. NBA 2k9 will be a lot better.  I have always played both every year and NBA live is garbage compared to NBA 2k games.  If you want realism and realistic gameplay, than get NBA 2k9, but if you just want to mess around and dont really know about basketball, than get NBA live 09.

  2. we'll have to wait and see, i have 2k8 now, never played live 08', i love 2k8's realistic sim of game play, the only draw back is that it's too easy tu dunk, but i'm sure both'll make promising cases.

  3. Hey i had this same problem.....I ended up getting nba live 08 and nba 2k8 and i dont think ive played live 08 in 7 months? So i would get nba 2k9 cause the 2k games are more realistic.

  4. 2k series have always been better than live series.  The only reason people play live is because it is advertised WAY more 2k (i would say the ratio of of commericials of live to 2k is like 4 to 1).  2k excels live in both gameplay and graphic.  You should definitely get 2k.

    and for ur 3rd question, the answer can probably be found at :

  5. Go to and compare 2K9 IS WAY BETTER

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