

by Guest34517  |  earlier

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i don't know what to do.

no-one to talk to.

no-one to care.

i need him in my life to be happy and now i'm sure he is getting back with his ex and it's just for the s*x.

why won't he realise how much i'm hurting until i take it to far and end up not here.





  1. hurting yourself just isnt an option.

    hes so not worth it.. at all.

    if he wants to hurt you and not care then why should you care ab him?

    you might feel like dyin me i been there done that [was basically in ur same situation] and it got easier to cope with it everyday,

    i kno its the hardest thing to do but try not to think about him and start talking to other hot guys to keep your mind distracted or it doesnt neccessarily have to be guys.. surround yourself with people you love like all your best girlfriends.

    if you talk to this guy or see him at all it will ruin ur ability to get over him and you will be back to square one.

    i wish you the best of luck and i hope i was a lil help.

    pray about it .


  2. he's not worth your time and dying for.

    why not talk to friends ao relatives. im sure tere is somebody who cares.

  3. Don't DIE!!!! I don't even know you lolz but you can like play online games and then you will make friends. Just don't DIE!!!

  4. my dog that has been there my whole life just died at the begining of the summer and my brother was killed the other day so I just want you to know that you arent alone in feeling alone. I feel like dying every night and I just wish I could but you have to look at what is there for you when you feel bad. Relationships will come and go but your family is there for you forever, do whatever it takes to get your mind off of things.

  5. You don't need him in your life u just think u do.  When 2 people break up with each other its almost like going through depretion. Just remember you will only deal with thos intense feelings for so long then they fad away and u won't care so much. And if u do feel like comitting suiside then maybe you should talk 2 someone about it.  Just forgett about that guy and do a favour for yourself.

    Hope that helps. Good luck!

  6. You need to value yourself more than that. If he left you for his ex at that. Please move on with your life. there is somebody else for you that will be satisfied with you. Obviously if he went back to his ex for s*x that means they have a connection that you can not full fill and he is in love with her and not you. Love yourself and open your heart for the man that will have that love connection with you..  

  7. I don't think this is a type of question you can turn to strangers for help.  How about asking someone who cares about you for this kind of advice.  And if you really feel like dying, you need to get help pronto. But not from yahoo answers.

  8. why waste your life over some guy? you are a person with other things in your life that can make you happy! focus on your career/grades. success is a great way to lift self-esteem. think about hobbies, friends, family, adventure, etc. i'm single and couldn't be happier! you're worth much more than that. if he doesn't want you back, so be it. there are plenty of other people on earth. you may feel like dying now, but this will pass eventually. don't waste something so beautiful on some jerk.  

  9. You poor thing.  Being heart broken feels awful.  But it will get better.  It is perfectly normal to be devastated and sad when a relationship ends.  Take your time and mourn the loss of what you had.  Realize of course that you will feel better.  You will find someone new.  You will be happy again.  

    You killing yourself will not do you any good.  I promise you that.  I have also thought about it when my last relationship broke up with since then I met someone absolutely wonderful that I never would have met if I had committed suicide.

    Be sad but don't do anything drastic.  I am sure that in a few weeks you will realize it was for the best and you will find someone new.  Try to keep your spirits up and hang out with some good friends.  Do things that make you happy.  

    Best wishes and good luck!

  10. 1st people need to quit playing stupid love games and just tell the truth about your feelings...

    and smoke some weed it saved my life please....

  11. you need to talk to someone i would recommend going to a therapist asap

  12. I'm sorry... If you want to talk, email me! I'm a great listener and advice giver. please don't kill yourself, suicide is never the answer! I'll give you a few web sites to help you. But otherwise, talk to me, Ill be here for you!

  13. e-mail il help...:/

  14. People cause other people to suffer everyday.  Why in the world would you want a man that obviously doesn't want you?  How could he make you happy?  You would spend all your time wondering where he is, who he is with, what he is doing.  It is truly enough to drive you mad.  There are tons of guys out there just waiting to find someone to love and to love them back.  Don't waste your life on a loser.  Change your lifestyle and get out there with people.  The one that is meant for you is out there waiting for you.  He will be true to you, make you happy, and the two of you will have a glorious life together.  

  15. Hi Charlie,

    I took a look at other questions you have asked and it seems like you are a very depressed person and have thoughts of suicide often.  I don't really think you would do it or else you wouldn't be talking about it.  I think your crying out for help.  I really really think you need to talk to your mom or dad about this.  Let them help you and get you into counselling.  Maybe having a relationship right now isn't best anyways till you can learn to love yourself and are strong enough to handle one.

    I understand how hard relationships can be when they end.  I am 18 years old and got out of a 2 year relationship.  I had left home and lived with him, got pregnant and it didn't work. So now I am a young mom whos single and struggling along to get through school and go to college.  I understand what the pain is like.  I think you should talk to your doctor about anti- depressants, it sounds like you may be unstable.  which is actually common so no worries there.

    i wish you the best of luck and hang on girl- hormones will settle and life isn't so dramatic after  a while.  email me and let me know how things go.  

    love/from kala

  16. trust me, if he wants to get back together with his ex for s*x, hes no good anyways. Who says you need a man in your life to be happy?

    Please dont take your life...believe it or not, life is full of possibilities and anything can happen. Try to distract yourself from this guy by doing something good for yourself. Start something new like a sport, hobby, new   job, dating...anything!

    and most men dont think like women..most of the time they cant understand our feelings or relate. But besides that, this guy sounds very immature so that pretty much sums up why he doesn't realize how much he's hurting you.

    I know exactly how you're feeling because i've been where you are before...things will pick up you'll see. but in the meantime, be strong.

  17. any guy thats will to break up with u just for s*x is not worth it. u need sumone to cheer u up just hit me up. im kinda a good listener nd im good at cheering ppl up

  18. If he doesn't seem to care about how you feel now then he is not worth doing anything crazy to yourself over. It may not seem that way now and this may be the oldest saying in the world but there is other fish in the sea.  




    and you who that is ?

    GOD. !!

    god there with you 24/24. he right by your side listening to you, wishing that you would talk to him, he loves you & cares about you.

    he can help you out !! TRUST ME .

    dont waist your time on a guy FORGET HIM hes an a*****e .

    for getting with his ex jus to do her .


    dont worry your gonna get a chance to meet that amazing guy !!


  20. U can talk to me!! Anytime- im at work but you can IM me!

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