
NEED HELP NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! easy best answer!?

by  |  earlier

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I am a certified babysitter and I put up fliers but no1 has called!!!! It's been 2 weeks!!! Should I give up or wat else would help get calls!!!!! No stupid answer and easy best answer!!! Plz help!!!




  1. It depends where you put up your flyers, if there aren't many kids in your neighbourhood or the neighbourhood you put the advertisements up, then you may be out of luck. However, you could always search for another job at the mall or just ask around. If you have any young cousins, ask if your aunts/uncles are willing to pay you to babysit them! I'm sure they won't object if they don't have enough time on their hands.

  2. you should try going to the suburbs or by universities around your area because in my college there are flyers who are looking for babysitters and pay REALLY good! so there are tons of people in need of baby sitters you just need to keep putting up flyers or go to the park by a suburb and hand them out or atleast put them in peoples doorstep. trust me, there are so many rich people in need of babysitters

  3. dont give up. go to family or friends. go to neighboors. good luck [=

    P.S.- dont give up [=

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