
NEED HELP PLS! is RESPONSE AUTO INSURANCE a good insurance to get?

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NEED HELP PLS! is RESPONSE AUTO INSURANCE a good insurance to get?




  1. sounds like a surplus lines company - do you have a bad record and need sr-22?  if not, go with a company that at least you've heard of before.

  2. No matter what state your in, you can usuallly count on these companies to have the best rates and the best coverage:

    State Farm







    There's a lot more good companies, but these are known to have the best coverage, with very strong AMBest ratings (all 'A' or above).  A good AM Best rating means that they are unlikey to go insolvent and not be able to pay claims.

    Don't get just one quote!!!  Don't pay any broker fees!! Go direct to the insurance company whenever possible.

  3. - you can try this company. I personally have their car insurance, cause it is cheap.

  4. I have been working in insurance for 17 years and I've never heard of Response Auto insurance. According to the AMBest guide, they are a B++ co. which is not good. There is Response Indemnity, and Response Insurance Group, Response Worldwide, they are all B++ Rated. Typically, you would want to place your insurance with an A rated carrier like Allstate, Safeco, Liberty Mutual, Travelers or Progressive. You didn't say what State you are in, but I would recommend calling an independent insurance agent in your area and they can quote with most of these companies.

  5. call an independent agent.  they write for a lot of companies and can find you the best rates

  6. I like Allstate because they give you rewards if you don't get in an accident...

  7. state farm. law of large numbers. give me a call 210-684-5253 ask for rick and i will help you out

  8. There are many great companies out there and the only way to determine which one will offer you the best rate is to get quotes from as many of them as possible.

    There's a site

    that has links to reliable free on-line rating services.  By filling out their on-line quote requests you will receive quotes from multiple companies.  

    This site allows you to do in 15 or 20 mins what would take you hours to do by calling around to different agents.

    Hope this helps. Good Luck!

  9. Car Insurance: Money-Saving Tips

    Many people lament the purchase of auto insurance. So we’re here to make it less painful. Check out these six money-saving tips and take the sting out of buying insurance.

    #1 Raise your deductible. It’s a gamble, sure. You’ll be responsible for a larger amount of the bill should you get into an accident. However, this is a guaranteed way to lower your annual insurance costs.

    #2 Shop around. Staying with the same insurance company year after year may not be in your best interest. You can cancel or change your policy at any time—you don’t need to wait for the policy to expire. So shop your insurance every six months and compare prices to ensure you are getting the best deal.

    #3 Remove unneeded extras. Although knowing you have towing and rental car coverage may help you sleep at night, those add-ons are rarely used and not necessarily worth the cost. You pay between $10 and $30 a year over the life of your policy to cover towing. And in the unlikely situation that you need a tow, you’ll pay about $100. Likewise, a small economy car costs $20-$25 a day to rent and car rental tacks on another $20-$40 to your insurance bill each year. So you can sleep well knowing that you saved yourself some money.

    #4 Protect your credit. More insurers have begun using credit-based insurance scores to determine what you pay for your policy. So paying the water bill on time will actually keep your insurance costs down.

    #5 Research discounts. Cars with safety and anti-theft devices cost less to insure. You can also knock off a few bucks if you insure your car and home with the same company. People who abstain from alcohol, get good grades in school or take a driver education course are also rewarded with lower premiums.

    #6 Get informed. The easiest way to save on any insurance is to research before you buy. And get recommendations from family and friends.

    And now for the shameless plug: shope here to find quotes and matched with agents from your area!

  10. Response is an agency, not a company.  They sell someone else's insurance.

    My advice is, do NOT buy insurance over the internet.

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