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I need help. My mother and me have been fighting a lot and she took away my cell phone saying that she got it for me to call her and I forgot the other day. Now she wants me to figure out what to say to get it back any ideas? Also she is threatening me that I should move out. Would a mother actually do that to her daughter? I am going away to school soon and she says I should not come back. Do you think she is just angry. Please help I don't know what to do. I don't want to move out I can't afford it.




  1. Trust me your mother loves you and does not mean it.  Just wait a day or two till she calms down and forgets and tell her that you're sorry (be extra sweet no matter what she says) and ask her for another chance for the phone.  I'm sure she will accept.  About not coming back from college.  My oldest son is going to college in a couple of weeks for the first time.  Every time I get mad at him I tell him that I can't wait till he leaves and wish he wouldn't come back.  Now of course, I don't mean it and I'm actually worried sick how I'm going to cope without him being there.  Even though he is the laziest slob I've ever seen.  Later when we're friends again I tell him that I love him and he can comeback anytime he wants.  So don't worry just make sure that you answer those calls from your mom.  She worries about you and just gets real frustrated when you don't answer.

  2. Ok check this, you and i are almost exactly similar. I was a badass and got sent away to boarding school for a year. And my mom is just like yours except i have a job and i buy EVERYTHING myself, literally. And im only 16 lol. But my mom has said things to me like, "i dont want to be responsible for you anymore." And **** like that. But i get over it. Maybe your just more emotional then I am but just know she does love you she just says things cause shes pissed. My mom tells me things being serious. So be thankful. Anyother problems hit me up on myspace.

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