
NEED HELP! answer quick?

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i bought 2 gerbils 2 weeks ago, i saved £100 for everything they needed and i still have £60 left. the cage i have is a glass perfecto cage with two levels. here is a pic of it it is the one in the middle. how many gerbils do you think can fit in there as 2 if their siblings are still for sale and i want them please get back to me. also they are getting bored of their food please give me some suggestions of what to give them




  1. the two you mentioned that are for sale would fit fine in there. it looks like a big tank so i would say 6 gerbils total  is your limit. make sure to introduce the new gerbils to the other two slowly. let them get used to each others scent. dont just put them together immediantly or they will probably kill eachother. you can mix there food up as much as you like as long as you dont constantly feed them seeds.  those will cause them to be overweight and can lead to an early death.  seeds can be offered as treats just no more than 2 per gerbil a day.  i feed mine Mazuri pellets and they love them.

  2. if you have them for 2 weeks the siblings they will fight only 24 after the split they forget each other, they fight to the death,

    10 gallons for one gerbil 5 for every on after that

  3. i would think you can fit two or three in there but i would stay to just two if not one will be left all on its own and they need there space you could feed them on a bit of biscuit and some fruit and veg hope his helped =) also as they have been away so long they have proberly forgot each other and may fiht til the other two are dead so dont risk it =( it will really upset you seeing them fighting.And you wouldnt want that!!!!

  4. i had the bigger one for my 2 gerbils and i wouldnt have kept more than 2-3 in that,so i would just stick with the 2 you have for your tank and let them enjoy the room.

  5. impossible to tell the size of your cage from that picture, so we cant tell you how many will fit in there

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