
NEED HELP!!!! should i go to the police?

by  |  earlier

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one of the police from where i live pulled me over the other day! i wasnt speeding or anything reclese! he started saying i had drugs in the car without checkin it ! so i said "listen dog i aint packin heat" he replyed "i am not a dog you are you ******* cotton pickin ******* " he broke my headlight with his batton and wrote me up for it! im afraid to go to the cops because they would do anything




  1. do you have any witnesses? Do you remember the police officers name? I would go not to the police, but their governing body, there has to be somewhere you can complain. That sort of violent and racist behaviour should not be tolerated by anyone and especially not practiced by those we entrust to uphold the law.

  2. Wow, sounds like a lame movie, and a stupid lie.

    You are not even old enough to drive, there were no cops, and you did wake up with your hand on your tiny c**k.

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