
NEED LOTS OF ANSWERS, what name would be coolest for a snowboard company, Negative or Nuke?

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NEED LOTS OF ANSWERS, what name would be coolest for a snowboard company, Negative or Nuke?




  1. negative, nuke sounds like surfing to me. negative is better

  2. i like negative. but maybe like "negative zero" something like that. awesome brand name! =]

  3. Neither of them are great names.

    If you're so unable to choose a name for your company yourself why not find a marketing firm that would run some focus groups for you to get better ideas?

    The name does not make or break the company.  It's just what it is.

  4. Nuke sounds sooo cool because it's not even a real word!! Or is it? I Like Nuke!! Negative is a bad name for any business. Who would want to go anywhere they think is negative?

    Great Ideas though!!!

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