
NEED OPINIONS!!!!!!!!!!!?

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Why do people get so mad when I say I don't support the draft. I support our troops fully but i'm one of those people who don't want to serve in the military. I believe everyone has a place in american society and should be able to choose. I'm just not cut out to be in the Military. Why is that so wrong?




  1. I agree with you. Not everyone is cut out for the military just as not everyone is cut out for college..

    But you need to understand you have no choice but to be in the draft if it happens because this is the law of the land.. If after you are drafted they see that you are not military material then you will get released or assigned some sort of other position.

    Just because one is drafted does not mean he is off to fight in the front lines..You still have to get accepted.

  2. It's not!

  3. here, here.  I am in the military and would not feel comfortable to have someone like you along side with me.  No harsh feelings but you know where you belong and I know myself.  I don't support the draft either.  I figure the draft is a scare tactic to say "look how many people we are going to have attack you" there numbers created to help a war.  

  4. I can understand feeling that way.  I really don't think the majority of the people within the United States would like to see the draft return.  If it did it would be because The military could no longer fight using an only volunteer Army.  I don't believe that the draft will return anytime soon.

    Yes I also agree that not everyone is cut out to serve in the military.

  5. Honestly, I agree with you about the Draft.. However I am one of the few people that believe that every single person that is capable of doing so do 2 years of active duty service. I see way to many young people these days with absolutally no discipline it's not even funny.

    It's sad to say that the day I got off active duty and came home, the same crowd of people were still sitting around on the same porches doing the same c**p.

  6. I would relax. As long as there are patriotic americans that want to take up the role of being in the military than you have nothing to worry about.

    My only ask, if you're a political type just please direct any anger and frustration at the politicians and not our troops.  I would prefer you just to say thanks and dont protest at military bases, you just get in our way and it affects morale.

    But I think you can serve your country in many other ways besides military service.  I think doing something in science, arts, helping educate, and civil service type jobs come to mind.

    All the best

  7. Because they misread your question. Some people just are't made for the military. It's a differnt life, and its a hard life.

    They might get upset because you might say it very "matter of factly" or be slightly pompus about hwo you word your anti-draft questions. No big deal, we do need civilans. They do alot of contract work for us. either way..

  8. People get mad b/c they feel that, if the draft were to be re-instated, the country is in dire need of help. THey feel that people should be willing to go when the country so obviously needs them to. They feel that, when really needed, people should be more than wiling to stand up and help defend the country.  

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