

by Guest34228  |  earlier

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I need more ideas to keep the out and indoor party fun and exciting. Games, contests and ANYTHING, it can be mature or not, we'll have a mixture here. This party will go for about 8 hours and will have about 45 to 55 people here. PLEASE HELP ME!!




  1. well lots of food one game i love is temptaiton you get chocolate and everyone lays on the floor and some one gives out choc the you go 321 then they place the choc at the bottem of your nose and your not alowed to eat it or l**k the choc melting on ur face the last one to resist the choc  wins the first one to eat looses

    another you have a plate with a slab of choc on with a scarf gloves and a hat you all sit in a circle rolling a dice round passing it who ever rolls a 6 has to get up to the choc put on the gloves scarf and hat asap and use a knife and fork to eat it with mean they can eat as much as they want unless somone else rolls a 6  while everyone else is rolling the dice if some one else rolls a 6 the person with the scarf and ect has to take it all off and give it to the next person and so on

    hope u hav fun

    Ashley x x

    ps - can i come lol  

  2. here a hugh party game guilde that well help  

  3. Can I come?

  4. Pass the orange along a line of team members without using hands or arms.  

    Giant chess or draughts- you can make the board and pieces out of old carpet tiles

    treasure hunt- popular with the kids

    taboo- give everyone a famous person stuck to their back and they have to work out who it is by asking others yes/no questions

    charades- an old favourite

    hook a duck - using a fishing rod to hook plastic ducks

    pub quiz


    object hunt- teams have to find the objects you call for - eg a brown shoe, an earring, a fork, in the fastest possible time

    musical chairs- you'd be amazed how much adults love this one


    horseshoes- but where do you get horseshoes these days?

  5. naked twister

    Just go with the norm. Washers, Bags, maybe a little wiffleball if you have the room.

    I always enojy inviting someone that knows how to play guitar and listing to them and singing along.

  6. Um, have you thought of these ideas on my source?  Please go look.  I think they might help you.  They are for birthday parties, but they'll work.  

  7. ok so. get volleyball. basketball. football. and waterballoons..anddddddddddd NO ALCOHOL! ONLY JUICE AND WATER. and uhm yeah thats all i can think of.

  8. if your looking for drinking games i have some great ones..

    the first game you go to play to get you going is the FINGER GAME

    what you need?

    a big drinking glass, people with lots of alcoholic drink =)

    the rules> the big drinking glass is placed in the middle, each player must put some of there drink into the glass in the middle once each player has done this and the glass if fill to the rim your ready to start the game.

    now each player must put one of there index fingers onto the rim of the glass, now you need to decide who starts 1st.  the person who is `1st has to count down to 3 and guess how many fingers are going to be left on the glass.  everyone can either take there finger of or leave it on but you must only take your finger off once the player has counted down to 3.  if the person guesses correctly then they are out (this is good) if they didn't guess correctly then they have to stay in the game, each player has a turn going clock-wise.  the person who lost has to drink the glass which is in the middle in one go. here are some extra guidlines > you must count down to 3 and guess how many fingers are left on the glass quickly no slow counting. if people want to drink the glass in the middle to get drunk and free booze then you must make the drink worse by putting gravy powder or salt in the drink lol just use your imagenation.  the object of the game is to not want to drink the glass in the middle

    if you want any more great drinking games just ask me i got loads more great ones

  9. Slip N Slide!  And you defiantly need to set up a beer pong table.

  10. Strip poker lol

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