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Why shouldnt students have homework over the summer?

why should they?--3 reasons




  1. WHOA MICHAEL! totally what i was gunna say. but you said it first. *sigh* ---give him best answer

  2. Why students shouldn't get homework over summer:

    - It is a time to catch up with family and friends

    - They need a break from school so they can concentrate when they go back

    - They can spend the time learning other things thy don't learn in school

    (- The homework will probably be lost and also in Australia, after summer break we start a new school year with a new teacher)

    Why they should:

    - Want to learn more

    - Need extra credits or want them

    - If they don't do their homework (summer school if they have it)

  3. I'll give you more reasons, it goes with my definition of summer.

    Sleep in

    Use new brain cells


    Make new ideas

    Eat healthy with fruits

    Ringing in your ears is no longer there.  (tardy bells etc)

  4. Students shouldn't have homework over the summer because: 1. Summer time is the best time of the year to get outside and hang out with friends 2. Homework could disappoint you and you summer time 3. School's out for the summer, so why do more school?

    Students should have homework over the summer if they:

    1. Are not doing homework at school 2. Want more credits 3. So they can learn more.

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