
NEW LABOUR.How much longer must we endure these aliens,they seem intent on destroying all we ever held dear.I

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despise them for what they have done to the UK,AM I ALONE?




  1. Have faith!You are not alone with those thoughts!Millions of voters are with you to a voter!We will have our say!In 2 years time when we have a General Election! Gordon Brown would deny us that Democratic Right!Like that of The Lisbon Treaty if he could! To cling onto power!Yes!Gordon Brown is a 'spent political force' in British politics!

  2. Gordon is a Moron:

  3. That was very entertaining . You impersonated the Genders quite nicely and I hope to see more of your Talent . Congratulations  Lee B

  4. They really do seem to hate this country, and everything "British", don't they?

    Well, they have built the bonfire, and will have nobody but themselves to blame when it catches alight.

    I for one will NOT be sad to see the whole lot of them thrown out on their backsides. And at a guess, I reckon we'll have to wait until May 2010 before we get the chance to do just that.

    In the meantime, here's my dedication to our wonderful PM:


    Ha ha. Oswald W, sorry to disappoint but that's not me in the vid! I just found it on YouTube when looking for "Gordon is a Moron".

  5. Sorry, we seem to be stuck with them until the next election. Blame the mindless brainwashed idiots that were taken in by their lies in the first place.

  6. Less than two years to go before the badship New Labour sinks beneath the waves.

    You - we - are not alone.

    The truth is out there.

    One right wing party will be replaced by another and the poor, old, sick and disadvantaged will pay the price.

  7. well now, let's see.. as soon as the people of britain stop pointing fingers and getting all uppity each time some public figure is in the papers for saying something "a little naughty", and so the politicians finally stop holding onto their chairs for dear life..

    then, my friend. THEN you will see radical change!! behold!! it is somewhere out there, beyond the horizon..never to be seen by in immovable force.

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