
NEW Labour New Taxes,New PM ,New Problems...No hope,More Spin and HIPE,all they say..WE are doing our BEST!!!!

by  |  earlier

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Well sorry that is not good enough...THE SPIN NEEDS TO GO IN THE BIN!... Council Tax up over 100%...yet for LESS local if less service less council tax..???NO ITS MORE NEW LABOUR SPIN....and BULL...they would sooner give Tax payers money away to Overseas Countrys...and CONVICTS in our jails to go home to there home land as due to the ANY SCUM BAG RIGHTS ACT...can not be sent home!!!and WHY>>>I like very very many others are sick to death of being at the end of the list..for health care,schools and houseing ect ect...WE pay LOTS MORE AND FOR LOTS WHERE is OUR EXTRA tax going to...SURLEY NOT TO prop up the so called NEW COMMERS....what a total load of c**p THE UK HASD BECOME>>>>WELL thanks Blair...and even the LAST 10 YEARS of your Steath more about non uk than people BORN Here...




  1. Welcome to the new world! All our hopes and dreams exported and nothing but lies and doom and gloom emported!

  2. The problem with almost all politicians is they rarely answer your questions!

    Sadly though, although I agree with most of what you say, you seem to have forgotten to ask one!!!

  3. Feel better?

  4. Completely agree with all you say. Labour have been an absolute pox on this country over the last ten years. Their litany of failure is endless whether it be tax, immigration, education, the NHS, name it, they've made a balls up of it.

  5. I agree with what you say.  We can no longer be proud to live in GREAT Britain.  As there is no longer anything great about it.  The politics and political correctness has gone haywire.  The cost of living for the people who work is just rising and rising.  When will it stop?  It will stop when we all stop working and become a scrounging nation.  Don't they realise that it is us that work for this country need rewarding?  We are working for the future, but hey what future do we have living here?  As I have said many a time (normally in jest) "If only I could be prime minister for a day".

  6. The previous government sold off or closed down all the uk's assets BT, Housing , Energy Company's and closed down coal mines because of  cheap coal imports. So the current government have to get money from somewhere.

  7. "It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight, rising up to the challenge of our rivals..."


  8. bet it felt good to get that off your chest!

  9. they are a PC lead disaster and have done more damage to this country than any other government before them. they have committed every crime in the book from open treason to genocide, from criminal deception to out and out theft of public assets (i am thinking of a certain fat person with a family taste for northern council houses here)....the criminal behaviour of new labour has been endless and non stop from the moment they were voted in.  Blair 'for god sake' should be in prison awating trial for treason and war crimes. and labour have the nerve to say they are tackling crime....they should get to grips with their own!!! and then perhaps we might start to get some where. its no wonder our young have no respect for the law when the true criminals seem to be running they're country.

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