
NEW Zealand women?

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here in europe girls seem to have a obsession with being skinny..i wonder how do girls in NZ see this trend?do they follow it up?or are they smarter than that???and what's the body frame of a typical NZ woman?slim?




  1. I would like to think that kiwi girls have more sense, but I see examples of stupid kids who think skinny is "chic".

  2. Im originally from the USA and also have lived in Europe, now i live in NZ. i think the women here arent as obsessed with weight as in Europe, but most teens are. Um, the average women here is quite sporty, not too thin and relaxed - dont dress up as much ! :-):-)

  3. females will be females in any country = weight conscious. fat or skinny doesn't seem 2 be many thats content with their size. nz included. we got em large skinny and average. nz has the smartest people in the world also

  4. You get a mix, a few more full bodied than in Europe. But alot are not fat, nor stick skinny, the way it shold be. Enjoy eating (in moderation) as well and don't live on a constant diet I say (unless necessary).

  5. im from nz and the fashion is not to be thin just good and toned. most people in nz have little time for excercise so we are just like all others around the world.

  6. I'd call the average NZ female a hairy legged androgen wanting to be a man.  Also not much sense of style or "finishing", typically rude and poorly educated, ignorant is a good word to describe them.

  7. Hi I grew up in NZ and now live in the UK. The diet in NZ is really quite different that here in UK and europe, and because of that people are naturally slimmer, I personally dont think women in NZ are obssessive of their weight, i guess because of the lack of decent public tranport we would walk a lot more places as well, and theres a lot more social sport so that helps things aswell.

    Women in NZ tend to have slim athletic bodies rather than super skinny bodies, it's a very california surfer kinda style.

    Also they are a lot more relaxd with their clothing and make-up, no fake tan or heavy make up!
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