
NFL Fan looking for a CFL team to cheer for?

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I'm currently an NFL fan

I'm looking for a CFL team to cheer for that closely matches my favorite team. I'm a Viking fan. We've had our share of good seasons, great players and entertaining football along with heartbreak. We're also having to contend with Packer and Bear fans in our own backyard. I'm looking for a team that'll give me the experience of being a Viking fan the most. I'm looking for a team that I'll always cheer for to win the big one but never does, and constantly gives me hope for winning the big one during the regular season and who constantly have to fight off fans from other poorer cities that move into our market and cheer for our team. Pretty much, a Red Sox for Canadian football.

Which team would give me that feeling the most?




  1. The Saskatchewan Roughriders!!!!   A great franchise that would be dead without the fantastic support of the entire province of Saskatchewan!!!!

  2. I'd say the Winnipeg Blue Bombers.  They've gone the longest without winning the Grey Cup (1990), despite having some pretty good teams since then.  And, if I remember correctly, the province of Manitoba borders the state of Minnesota, so they'd be the closest CFL team to you geographically, as well.

  3. There is no room in the CFL for people who cheer for men in purple.

  4. I think the Eskimos are the way to go. They have had legends such as Warren Moon, and have a legend in the making in Ricky Ray

  5. The Hamilton Tiger Cats they are a bunch of losers just like the Vikings

  6. If your looking for a team with History, thats the Bombers......looking for a team that wins the most often, thats the Eskimoes.......looking for a team thats the epitome of the word underdog, thats the Sask Roughriders.......looking for the team that buys championships, thats the Argos......looking for a team that are totally has  beens, thast the Alouettes...

    All other teams dont matter.

    they all suck.

  7. Riders

  8. The LIONS are good fit for the VIKING fan.

    Running and Passing, although we have won the "big" one more readily than the Minnesota Vikings

  9. Saskatchewan Roughriders and Gainer the Gopher!

  10. The Saskatchewan roughriders.  Though they DID win the grey cup last year, it has been over 18 years since their last title.  Consider that the start of their dynasty compared to the Red Sox.  SK as a province is the laughing stock of Canada, the eternal underdog.  A CFL kicker is famous for calling Riders fans "banjo picking inbreds" or something along that line.  Even though I haven't been within 1000 miles of within the SK border, comments like that p**s me off to no end. Think of 29 million arrogant, retarded yankees fans, with their accents even more annoying than europeans, accosting you in the media everyday.  also, like the packers, the general public own the roughriders, and you can buy stock in the team.

    BTW, rooting for the BC lions is like rooting for the yankees.  If you want to be a stupid stoner bandwagon jumper, go with the BC Lions.  Also, even though my Niners (season ticket holder since 86) have destroyed your vikings time and time again, no hard feelings ok?  We both suck now, you just suck less ATM.

  11. The Edmonton Eskimos are mediocre, at best.

    But we all still keep cheering them on in -20 C football games!!

  12. BC Lions!


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